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our Not Welcomed


(Taylor POV)

"ema. Ema styles." I walk to the door and open it. I was really taken back when I saw that bitch Harry was walking hands and hands with in that fucking magazine.

"and who are you? And what are you doing here with my boyfriend?"

"don't even trip off it!" I tried to walk out the door but she stopped me.

"Who the fuck are you!?" "Who the fuck are you thinking you can just curse at me!?"

"I'm Morgan Ellis. Harry's girlfriend!"

"and I'm Taylor Keith! Harry's bab-" Harry cut me off in the middle of what I was saying. "this is one of my old friends." I was shocked. Was he that disappointed in me?

I looked at him with disgust. I cant believe he really said I was just an "old friend."

"You know what I'm going to leave." "Yeah that's what you should do!" I was already tired of this bitch and I only knew her for 2 minutes! I walked up to her and went face to face with her.

"You should be really happy I'm late for work already. Because If I wasn't you would already be in an ambulance on your way to the hospital." Harry moved me away from her gently. But I slapped his hands away. I didn't want his lying hands touching me!

"Don't you dare fucking touch me!" And with that I left.

I walked out the building and too my car. I really needed a cigarette. I opened my glove compartment and there was none in there! "Fuck my life."

I promised to myself once all those cigarettes were gone I wouldn't buy anymore. But right now I was under a lot of stress. I needed one. Just one. I looked at my phone and it was only 11:15.

great I had about 20 minutes before I had to go to work.

I drove my car to the nearest gas station. I wanted to buy a pack of cigarettes. But I didn't want to break my promise. I was never one to break a promise.

So I sat there just staring at the gas station wonder if I should go in or just leave. I started to see people walk in and out. Most of them had a pack if cigarette in their hand. So I decided to go in.

The ding from the for startled me. I walked up to the cashier. "Hello beautiful what would you like?" "I would like to have a pack for NewPorts and a book of matches please." He too them off the wall and handed then too me.

"that will be $9.67." I handed him the little money I had and thanked him. "Have a blessed day."

"You too." See? Why could that 12 year old cashier been as nice as that? I walked back to my car and opened the pack.

I took one out and smoked it. It's not that I like what smoking does to my body. Trust me! I hate it. But when I smoke it calms me down. It makes me laid back. Not so jumpy.

I walked back into my car and drove off. I didn't bother turning the radio on I liked it silent. I like silence. I pulled up at work and was about to start my shift.

I was tying my apron in the back then my coworker Michelle told me my boss wanted to see me.

I walked into his office and he was sitting their going through papers. "Ms. Keith. Please take a seat." I did as I was told.

"We'll as you may see we have not been getting a lot of business lately. So make a long story short your getting fired. Not because you haven't done a good job. You've actually done terrific but money. We don't have a lot of pay anymore so I'm cutting some people off."

NO! No! This can't be happening! I need this job! I wanted to punch him in his face so badly but I retained myself.

"thank you Mr. Lyman." I started to get up.

"or you can't keep you job by doing something for me...."

i sat back down. " what will that be?" He got up and walked behind me. He started to massage my shoulders.

he bent down and whispered in my ear. You do something for me I do something for you." His hands started to move down. Now they were touching my boobs. "Stop!" I tried to make him get off of me but he was too strong.

His hands went further down and started touching my private area. "STOP NOW!" I tried nudging him in the stomach but it didn't work.

He grabbed me and pushed me into the wall. He started to kiss my collar bone and neck. I had my chance.

I kicked him In his balls with my knee as hard as I could. Yay me!

He fell to the floor groaning in pain. I was about to leave but I looked back and walked towards him .

"I don't want this cheap ass job." And I spit on him.

I walked out feeling pretty good. I showed his bitch ass wgo was boss. I walked out of that dumb Starbucks and into my car.

I was going to go home...

I was walking up the stairs to my apartment. And I heard screaming!


I opened the door as quickly as I could and jetted to where the screaming was coming from. My bed.

I ran over their to see........


Lol I love stoping the chapter with a "....." It makes you guys wonder what's going to happen.

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