Chapter 2

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2 werewolves surrounded me their sharp razor teeth bared at me and their claws extended. I stood my ground my sword in my hand. I straightened my back and narrowed my eyes interpreting their next move. Both the mutts attacked me at ones. I closed my eyes and then opened them. Electricity coursing through my veins .The mutts were at my feet .Both lying dead. I pulled the blade of my sword from one of the mutt's neck. It was covered in blood.

I quickly scanned the battlefield and the sight was truly horrifying so many humans' bodies lay in piles. I could spot my father and brother as they fought alongside each other. The vampires and werewolves tried to stop them but they couldn't. But they were too fast for them.

A vampire circled me his teeth all crimsoned and blood dripping. His eyes blood shot red. then he jumped on me catching me off guard My sword slip from my fingers and I never had the chance to catch it before I was thrown on the guard face first . He sat on top of me trying to reach for my neck. All my attempts to pry him away were in vain. He was too strong for a human like me. Then I saw someone's sword laying close to me, if I could wiggled myself free from the blood sucking leech grip I could probably have reached there. I tried my best, kicking, punching at him but he was determined to make me his meal today. I gathered a fist full of sand throwing it at him. He hissed in pain. I - with one final kick threw him off me. And dived for the sword. I raised the sword and then it was in his heart and he turned in smoke and ashes. The human were losing the war I saw as one after another the werewolves teared humans' apart .The vampires as they attacked one human after another. The war was getting more one sided now. My father and brother were forced on their knees along with small number of remaining humans because the others were already dead. I spotted Celia among the prisoners

I was the only one facing the beasts with my sword "Eleanor the war is over. What are you thinking about just give up already and surrender ".

"Dmitri "

My eyes widened as I faced the leader of the wolves. He smirked and my thought he remembered me. He remembered me till now.


I was sleeping in my bed with my teddy bear. Mom was sleeping with me. Then I heard chaos. I blinked as I sat upright on my bed and called for my mom "Mummy? Mummy where are you "but I got no reply. I walked to the window and looked outside.

Werewolves were burning houses .Humans ran for lives but the wolves and vampires followed them and were killing them mercilessly. Everywhere I could see blood and fire. Some humans screamed in pain and agony as they were burned alive in fire. The beasts were throwing innocent defenseless humans in fire. Some beasts were busy raping women and the more the women screamed the more they inflicted pain upon them and when they were done they killed those women. Vampires were bent over humans draining them. Tears leaked from my eyes. I chocked a sob and then I started calling for my mom. My dad wasn't here so was my brother and sister they have gone to other tribe to discuss some business. Well not my sister but I was happy that she accompanied my father at least she was safe if not me. My mother rushed to me and wrapped me in her arms "Listen to me baby. No matter what ever happens don't come out. Don't cry or make a single sound the bad guys can hurt you. Baby stay hidden we are playing hide and seek so stay hidden." My mother kissed me. She was crying and then she hides me in her closet behind pile of clothes.

Then I heard chaos in her room and a guy entered the room.

" Dmitri what to do with this whore ". One of the guys asked another. The guy was very scary. His arms were tattooed with werewolf faces. A scar on one side of his face. Then Dmitri and the other guys took turns and rapped my mother and killed her in front of my eyes. Before leaving Dmitri guy looked at me, winked and left. He knew all along that I was hiding here.

The sword fell on the floor with a clank. My head started to spin the memories so unbearable. I was forced on my knees by not one but three mutts. I tilted my head to meet Dmitri gaze and I knew for ones the war was officially over with our defeat and I was going to be the mutt's meal. With that i fell on my side unconscious my mind unable to cope with my to be destiny I just prayed for my people one last time as I looked at the clear sky.

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