Chapter 18

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In the part of the world where everything is dark You are my only source of light - Unknown (Queen Words 😈) .... ❤❤

Good news is my book the millionaire obsession is going to have 800 K soon 😊 But seriously I am so happy that this book is conquering the werewolves genre ☺☺ All thanks to wonderful people who have been so supportive even if I am not tagging anyone in particular I am going to be sending out individual 'Thank you ' tonight and that too on your walls 😊 Anyway Good news is the thrilling part of the novel is coming soon 'Two chapters to go ' & 12 more parts "finger crossed " before "His possession " officially ends . Thank you everyone no matter who you are for leaving your valuable votes , comments and reads on the book .

Just final note : Don't forget to like,  comment and share this book with your fellow readers 👍 to your love and support for the writer and"  His possession " . I added a youtube song that goes too well with the tone of the chapter do listen to it and let me know your views  .

Stationery warming : Emotional Chapter

Looking at the situation around me a ping of guilt and sadness is something that hit my heart I feel for the people who live here because absolutely no words can describe the condition of this building at least this part of the pack house . The walls had their colour peeling off it was done in such hurry and careless manner that I could see the hand prints of the people who applied the paint . Even the staircase was so small and you surely have to watch your steps . I walked carefully not to let myself slip on them . "Move it you lazy hag " one of the guard was standing with a whip in his hand moving the whip in  taunting manner . It was a gesture of the power in his hands to hit these people whenever he felt like it . 

I feel sympathetic towards the people living in fear all their life that what we have done and we will rise not today but tommorrow a voice wispered to me it was voice of the girl who have seen her mother raped as she hide in her cupboard I was the same girl who saw her mother killed infront of her It was the voice of that girl who carried the sword infront of thousands but behind the closed doors she cried for justice.  I was littered with nicks and scars of the people I lost I was still the girl who carried the blood  of thousands of her loved ones . I was the girl who clapped a hand on her mouth to muffle her cries every night as she cried for her brother and father in the prison.  

I was that fallen warrior who had bowed her head but still the will to fight  the determination for blood was seen in my  eyes . I was the same queen who had been put into the circle to be sold to someone and the same queen who begged for the sake of her sister-  for mercy towards her sister . I was still the same girl who fall consious after hearing that her bestfriend was kidnapped by the werewolves.

  A tear rolled down my eyes even with the crown on  my head I was a slave because the warrior in me was losing her fight for justice  I was being created into a putty queen with luxuries but today it was like the warrior in me was born again I was under the false impression that as a queen I could do something about my people , my destiny and my family's destiny but it hit me right in the guts that I was no one I was still that Elenor  who was going to see my people bleed infront of me  I was standing in that imaginary market where humans girls were being sold and I was walking with shackles on my legs and hands just like the first time .

 I controlled my tears because right now the eyes were on me . I wanted to cry because it was so painful - I was bleeding all over as I walked with the people standing around me . I wanted to put my head down because I had failed these people - I was ashamed of the crown on my head I was the prisoner to the very  king whose Queen I was . My legs were wobbly but no one can see it no one can feel it because the wealth on me hide it so well . No one could see the tears in my eyes because no one could see the warrior in me just the traitor queen . "What should I do  ?  Who am I ?" Nothing make sense to me I was in identity crisis . Nothing in the world hurts so bad to know that you are silent about the things that hurt you so bad . Nothing hurts like the burn of knowing that you have been played and a blindfold has been put onto your eyes so you can be the perfect puppet . .   

I was doing what was hurting me the most and no one could save me . "Hear my voice!  Hear my cries ! Hear my screams for mercy Elenor  please hear me just open your eyes .  Elenor wake up You are dying Elenor you are turning into the same people who destroyed you . What about Malia what about Adil ?  Uncle Drake ? Liam ? Father ? Celia ? Caleb?  Betty ?  You promised for justice you promised to save them but you stayed quiet " The names kept adding up and so did my guilt someone was has pulled the blindfold off and told me the sad reality which even I couldn't deny . 

" Lead the way to the washroom I told the Beta in hard voice. "  he gave me a room to myself , the guards were stationed outside the room . I had enough room to myself to think . I padded to the washroom ,  just as the door was closed behind me all the pent up emotions were let loose I sobbed and screamed in anger I felt betrayed . Then something that shook me to my core happened the Bulbs with my every scream they would   flicker . I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror my hairs have turned white the whole mane I touched my hairs and my eyes glowed red then pink before settling for their original colour as the bulbs above me brust . " I smiled

His possession [ On Hold ]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora