Chapter 20

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Not edited : 

" What do you see when you close your eyes? 
     I see darkness
Then maybe my world will be the same without you By my side "

    Most of the quotes in this book are written by me 😎

You can ask me anything in the questions in the comments below be it about the my books , my source of inspiration or anything  about me 😊 Since ten chapters are left so the chapters are going to be fast and contain so much ...

Elenor POV :

"I Elenor Bryce rejects. ....." he knew my purpose so well he slapped a hand on my face I tried to scream to talk but the hand on my mouth forced me to stay quite.  I bite him on his palm he winced in pain but didn't let me speak . I was mumbling threats to him . My leg shoot out to kick him between his legs but his other leg coiled around mine like anaconda I glared at him in warning he smirked but I knew he was planning something. He unclasped his hand from my mouth when he knew I was out of breath I fall on my knees greedily  taking in as much air as I could afford i'll rather say my lungs could afford.  My eyes were blurry due to the tears and my chest burned due to lack of oxygen supply . He has done it on purpose so I couldn't reject him . "You were disperate to  face my  warth weren't you my love " He emphasize on the 'my love ' part as he stood infront of me  and unbuttoned  his coat and threw his tie rather carelessly on my face . "Love it's about time I show you whose the real boss here . You have been a bad girl - very bad girl and bad girls tend to  get punished " He was rolling his sleeves now as I panicked. Tears streamed down my cheeks "  I clasped my fingers around my  palms tightly.  There was possibility of so many things that he could do to me rape,  killing or forcefully marking me that were some of my thoughts . I started backing away from him as he was busy getting rid of his coat.  This was my opportunity to escape I ran for the door but he was faster than I was . A strong arm went around my waist and lifted me off the floor.  "Let me go - Let me go you psychotic person " I called him every slur in my dictionary and slapped him on his face and pulled his hair.  But it was like he was adamant on making sure I submit to him today .

He put me on his shoulder and started walking towards my chamber I fought hard against his iron hold . " Help please someone help me " I begged the beta , the guards and anyone whom I saw on our way . They bowed their heads and stepped aside - their eyes geld the sympathy but no one came forward to help me or intervened . "I am sorry Zane I am sorry I beg you please let me go I promise i'll  do from now onwards what you want me to do  " I  cried and begged him but not for one second did he stop or listened to my pleas . I prayed to God but no one heard my cry for mercy .

We were in my chamber now and he threw me on the bed rather harshly I tried to scramble away but he grabbed onto my ankle and pulled me under him . I scratched , i hit him , i cried I begged my cries fell in deaf ears because he was a monster and I being the innocent person suffered that day I lost my something I lost that Elenor who saw the world with colors and rainbows I saw myself going blind with the burn I got . It was like as if the nature cried with me there was storm and ragging winds followed by tears from the clouds .

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