Chapter 26

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Not edited : 

"With believe comes love and with loves come battle ".

Hey loves ,
Long time no see I want to complete this book soon so that is what I am going to do . "

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Lancester Pov : 

He sat on the throne in all glory looking at the human couple infront of him not  long he was going to burn them to their death as they begged and cried for mercy.  His men teared the small human girl apart from her parents who shrieked,  struggled and cried ,  a circle of fire was created in the midst of the room . "Nonna Nonna please let her go . Please don't do this to my daughter have mercy ." The young mother struggled to get to her daughter as his man held the petrified delicate child in his arms , the humans struggled to get to their child who was part of them . " Throw her " he ordered his men "no no stop . Please stop . Kill us but not our baby she is all we have please have mercy she can't do anything to you so why her ? Please not her i beg for your mercy in the love of the name of God ."

But here's the reality when we turn into monsters and satan is holding our hands we let go of God . We let devil rule  us and our hearts  and that is the time we are the beast . Benjamin threw the crying child in the fire he looked at the consuming fire . He heard the scream of extreme pain , the parents sorrowful cries the scene was too maloncolic . The smell of burning flesh and skin filled the air and finally the cries cease to complete halt . He gestured for his man to move forward and take the head of struggling man in his arms with little force he effectively pulled it off followed by stream of blood and his body badly shaking finally calming down.  The head was thrown in the hot red ashes . The women destiny was no different. 

He pondered over the events from yesterday and a menacing smile grazed his features .

Flashback :

"If we need Farya we need to massacre the humans first . Maybe looking at all the bloodshed she will show herself and if not those three witches won't stop at any cause to come to the  rescue. "

" Yes catch em "

"Burn those witches on the stakes "

" Kill em all"

"Find Farya "

"Kill that witch - hang her publicly"

"Kill humans"

"Bring them on the roads we want to see every roads smeared with those vermin's blood "

"Kill every single human "

He was very much satisfied every single person in the hall was rooting for him all he had to do is ply his final trick . He was going to make sure the 'queen' being human should be tortured  and  killed infront of the king . He wanted to see the king fall on his knees and kneel before him and beg for the pisky queen's life . He wasn't going to let that pathetic,  defenceless human rule on them all . She could stop the massacre of humans after all she was one of them .

He kneeled before the king all the while thinking how he was going to turn the wolves against the king using his mate as weapon . He was going to de- throne him and make his death vwry painful.

" Your majesty permit us to start the war against the humans.  We all know they are dangerous to our kind ." All eyes were on them . He smirked the king couldn't decline the offer if he did there was fear of rebellion and Lancester knew very well right now when it involved the king's mate he would do anything to keep her safe .

Every eyes were on them all the werewolves and vampires were waiting for king reply.  The game just got more interesting he thought 'Oh big bad wolf I have trapped you in my games of throne I deserve to rule that throne and now no one can stop me from taking the crown that belongs to me . 

" You must arise now Lancester I permit you to ."

There were cheers and 'long live the king '

'Long live Lancester '

Third person POV :

I saw blood shed and man slaughter.  I saw humans suffering and law less land , I saw no man land  . I saw humans  chased by wolves and ripped apart . I saw wolves and vampires without any fear raping and killing children and women of all ages it broke my heart . Every day the humans lived in fear and homeless their homes were burned down or their houses were forcefully taken by the vampires and werewolves and no one stopped them. I saw human girls sold in auctions and how the married or unwilling women were marked against their consent.  I saw tale of horror that shake you to your core 

. Humans were reduced to nothing they had no rights now.  The werewolves could do anything to them and if they refused their families were slaughtered infront of them , the vampires were left on them who drained them dry . The forces who were meant to protect them stepped back and let them visiously get  killed infront of their eyes . The humans were left at the mercy of monsters and devil re carnations.  There was no force no one to protect them all they had was God watching over them . But they say when the cruelty reaches it's peak someone is always there 

. Elenor saw herself growing strong,  she went this strange kind of aura around her , her abilities were sharpening now and she saw this dream as if someone calling to her as if someone was protecting her . The Queen was growing stronger right under the noses of  the creatures of night . For she was the choosen one ... she was Farya Rostava and I prayed every night under the star filled sky to let her see us now I knew wherever she was she was coming soon she was more near and gradually she was going to be unbeatable.  No one knew what she was capable of but whatever she was capable of she was unbeatable she was the masya ( saviour ). 

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