Chapter 1

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" I need to meet up with you as soon as possible," my best friend Brinleigh shouted into my ear. 

"Alright, I'm headed home. Wanna meet me there in 10?"  "Sounds great. See ya." Brinleigh excitedly said and ended the call. That girl is way to hyper for her own good.  I slowly drove home enjoying the peace and quiet. The scenery was beautiful in South Carolina in late September. The days were warm and the nights were nice and cool. Perfect for camping if you ask me. I need a vacation I thought to myself as I pulled into my driveway. I noticed Brinleigh was already there as I spotted her yellow mustang. 

"Probably devouring all of my damn food", I grumbled to myself. She was the only one I trusted to give a key to my house.  

"Hey. Hey!" I yelled as I entered through the front door. I walked into the kitchen to see Brinleigh stuffing her face from last nights meal. She reached around behind her and grabbed a magazine and tossed it on the counter towards me. Page seventy two was all she said as she continued to stuff her face. I flipped open the magazine to the page she had mentioned and began to read the article. Half way through it all I could think is my best friend has lost her damn mind.

 "Are you crazy!?!" I shouted at her after finishing the article. 

 "You want me to get therapy for the rape with this? She shrugged, 

"You've tried just about everything else. Why not?"  

 "Because that's freaky sexual shit", I exclaimed. 

"Hey, don't knock it til you try it. It may very well work for you. Your issue isn't the actual rape, but the trust you have to place in the guy for a decent relationship to happen. Also, from what I researched after reading the article myself, trust is a big part of BDSM. Come on Roan, at least try it. Go talk to them about it, Please." 

"Fine, but I'm not making any promises." 

 "Good, because I already made you an appointment tomorrow to meet with them at 6 pm at the ranch. Here's the directions. I think this could possibly help. Don't be late!" Brinleigh shouted as she walked out the front door, got in her car and gunned it out of my driveway. I feel like a windstorm has just come through my house. I can't believe I let her talk me into this.  I suddenly woke to someone trying to beat my door down. 

 "Hold on a minute. I'm coming", I snarled. I absolutely hate being woke up and especially when it took me so long in falling asleep thanks to Brinleigh's dumb article. I yanked the door open only to be faced with, a way too cheerful, Brinleigh.

 "What do you want?"

"Well seeing as it's 2:00 in the afternoon and you haven't called to whine and see if you can get out of this, I figured you were going to try to hide in the bed all day, so i came on over to help you get dressed."  

"Well aren't you just the sweetest thing ever." 

 " Thanks, don't mention it." she said as she started throwing clothing out of the closet.  

"I was being sarcastic!"  

"Yes, I know, but I'm choosing to ignore you. So what are you wearing?" 

 " My favorite jeans and cowboy boots. You can pick out the shirt, if you want."  

"Fine, but I don't know why you have to wear jeans everywhere. At 5'9, you have legs some people would kill to have."  

" Yes, I'm aware of that, but I love the way my ass looks in jeans" I chuckled as I walked toward the shower. That shut her up. I don't normally let my thoughts just fly out of my mouth like that, but it was worth the look on Brinleigh's face. I know I have a good body, but i work hard for it and a lot of it is genetics. At 5'9, 190 lbs I run every other day a couple of miles and then on the other days , I weight train. I'm a 34DD-28-36 red head with dar brown eyes. My hair is in long layers down to my waist but I've been thinking about cutting it to my shoulders. Not sure if I'm going to do it or not. I love my hair but sometimes it becomes too much. I finished showering and stepped out to towel dry off . I quickly rubbed my body down with fractionated coconut oil and threw some anti frizz hair serum in my hair. Letting my hair dry naturally, I went back to my bedroom to quickly get dressed. Brinleigh handed me a pair of blue silk and lace panties with a matching bra. It looked great on me with my eye color and tanned skin. Next she handed me a royal blue v neck t shirt that I quickly put on with my favorite jeans and boots. I put on some mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss and then quickly head down stair to grab a coffee to go. I yell to Brinleigh to lock up when she leaves. I can't help but admire my handywork as I climb into my 1954 Chevrolet 3100 truck and pull out of the driveway heading towards the interstate. I had about a 2 hour drive down to Sandy Spring, GA. One of my all time favorite things to do is restoring old trucks and my truck is the very first on that i did.  I'm about fifteen minutes from where the Bound and Branded Ranch is located, pulled over on the side of the road with my head between my knee feeling like I'm going to pass out. 

"I can't do this Brinleigh. My heart is pounding so hard my chest is hurting and I feel like I'm going to pass out."  

"Roan, you are not going to pass out. Take a real deep breath, hold it and count to four, then release it slowly. Keep doing this until I tell you to stop. All you are going to do is talk to them about the therapy and how they think it will help you. Nothing more. Are you all right now?"  

"Yes, I think so. Just scared to do this." 

 "I know you are, but I also know that you are one of the strongest women I know. You can do this and if you don't like the idea, just tell them that it's not for you and come home."  

"Ok, let me get on the road so I'm not too late. I was already supposed to be there by now and you know how I hate being late. What's their number so I can call and let them know I'm running behind." I ask as I quickly grab a pen and paper.  


"Thanks and I appreciate everything. Gotta go, love ya, bye."  I quickly dial the number after hanging up with Brinleigh.  It rings twice before I hear a deep and sexy-as-hell voice answer, 

"Bound and Branded Ranch".  Holy crapola, he's got a Scottish accent, I thought to my self.  "Hello, kin ah help ye?"  

"Uhm, this is Roan Silver. I just wanted to let someone that I'm running a little late. I had a 6o'clock appointment."  

"A'richt, ah appreciate ye callin'. We'll be awaitin' fur ye '" 

 "Ok, See you in about 10 minutes." I said and hung up. My nether regions were definitely woke up after hearing that man talk.  I pulled back onto the road and within 5 minutes was rounding a corner,seeing a sign in the distance for the Bound and Branded Ranch.

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