6 | I'll Shoot Them if They Come

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"Done," Kai stated as we both turned around to the boy holding the red ring.

"Thanks," Liam replied, catching the ring as his friend tossed it towards him.

He then in turn turned to me and smirked, "Here."

He dropped the small object into my hand as I opened it up to receive it.

"How do I know you didn't just push back the time so that it'd explode when I get back to my room," I asked suspiciously, turning the ring around in my hand before deciding to just put it back on my finger.

Liam shrugged as he ran a hand through his now dried hair, his towel draped around his broad shoulders.

I sighed and eyed the clock on his bed table.

"Is Kai going to enroll in I.O., then," I asked, trying to get as much information out of the two while I still could.

Liam and Kai glanced at each other before smiling.

"I'll just pop up here and there," Kai popped, spinning in the rolling chair.

"Lucky you," I let out sincerely, "You don't have to follow a certain teen around all day and attend classes."

"You poor baby," Liam cooed teasingly, to which I glared at him before realizing he had to do the same.

Deciding it was time to go before the two changed their mind and attacked me, I got up off the bed and slowly walked to the door.

The boys silently watched me head out.

Upon reaching the cold knob and turning it, I let out one last comment with a smirk.

"Nice password."


I texted Axel everything that had happened the minute I had gotten back to my room.

I had stopped by the bathroom before that to get my sneakers before heading off to my dorm.

As I sat on my bed crisscrossed, I thought to myself, I actually have a reason to continue the mission.

After two long years, the people I had been waiting for were here.

I couldn't help but smile to myself as I plopped down on my bed and slept.


"Genius buddy!" Liam exclaimed, running over to me as he slung his arm around my small shoulders.

I glared at him as his back blocked off the rest of the class.

"You're drawing attention to me, Carter."

Liam's grin was replaced with a smug smirk as he patted me slightly with his hands before backing away.

I sighed silently as I reached my desk and fixed my glasses as it was sliding off the bridge of my nose.

A few minutes passed and the late bell rang. My body tensed when Allison didn't show up for class.

I looked around the whole room twice before glancing at Liam, who caught my attention and looked back at me.

Where is she, I tried to ask him, making as little face movements as possible.

Liam stared back at me and shook his head.

"I don't know," was his response as I saw his expression.

This was strange. I had thought if I didn't know where the girl went, Liam would know since he also had to follow her whereabouts- maybe he'd sent Kai after her this morning or something.

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