13 | Miscalculation

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I felt the sun brightening up the room as the warm sun rays lightly shined on my still closed eyelids. My eyes eventually fluttered open to find myself in someone else's room.

It took a moment for me to remember the events of yesterday and last night.

I sat up and felt a soft fabric move against me. Looking down, I saw a big, cream white blanket covering my body. My head tilted at it in confusion for a bit before I glanced up at the boy sleeping on his bed.

He had no blanket.

Realizing that he must've placed it on me after our fight (literally), I watched the man with a weird expression.

A closer inspection and I could tell parts of the blanket near my right arm had been stained red and I started moving the blanket away from me.

I got up and walked quietly to the bathroom to wash up. I had to re-wear my outfit from yesterday when I had detention and I hesitantly put it on, folding Liam's white t-shirt neatly and placing it at the foot of the bed once I had left the bathroom.

I stared at the boy who didn't seem to move after several minutes and I stood there not knowing what to do. I took the black ribbon and quickly made my hair into a messy bun. I finished and placed my hand on my hips as it dropped down. My eyes went to the boy.

"Wake up, Carter," I exclaimed.

I sighed after I heard no response.

"Liam," I raised my voice, "It's time to wake up."

"What time is it," he finally replied softly with his morning voice.

My eyes widened at the fact that he was now awake. I glanced at the clock on his bedside and answered, "9:35."

"Two more hours," he yawned quietly, stretching a bit before turning on his side.

I raised my eyebrows after I heard his steady breathing again within a few seconds.

He didn't just fall back to sleep that quick... did he...? Is that even possible?

I let out a soft sigh and looked around the room for something to do. I should just go shopping for new clothes. Why should I tell him?

Making up my mind, I grabbed my backpack and quietly left the room.


The moment I stepped out of the academy the cold air hit me like a moving truck. It was absolutely freezing.

A chill ran down my spine as my legs tensed up. Yesterday it was beautiful weather. Today it was hideous.

I pulled my backpack closer to my body and walked across the pathway to the driveway behind the school. As I walked on the grass, tiny wet dew drops grazed my warm ankles.

I reached my black car and went inside. If I even remember the directions to the mall, I'd be lucky. I started driving as my mind wandered to the incident last night.

What happened to my room? Who bombed it?

Although Liam had said it wasn't him or Kai, I'm starting to doubt him. My expression darkened at the memory of him trying to shoot me in my sleep. I let out a long sigh as I slowed down to a stop at the stoplight.

He would've succeeded if I hadn't woken up. If I hadn't had that dream. Just the thought of my past made my mood drop.

Thank god it's the past for a reason.


With the little allowance I had, I grabbed myself a simple black sweater and dark blue jeans. I eyed the noisy mall and wondered if there was any other sale happening at the time.

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