16 | I Warned You

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How lovely. He broke my car.

I lost all emotions in my eyes as my mood dropped dangerously.

He left a message in pen on my white steering wheels and it read:

"Why don't you ever listen."

If that pen doesn't wash up and I end up dying today, I'm coming back to earth as a ghost and haunting him for eternity.

Frustrated, I racked my memory for information I received two years ago from Axel about Allison. I'm sure her address was somewhere in that file. I pulled out my phone and moments later, I got it.

Looking around at the parking lot behind the school, I decided to use Carlos's car. I went nearer to the silver vehicle and memories starting rushing back, but I forced them away. Now wasn't the time. Actually, it would never be time to remember those anymore anyway.

Opening the side door and climbing inside, I sat there for a moment and gazed at the interior of the vehicle. Not only was I familiar with the car's functions, but I also had an identical key to his car.

You could say it was for old time's sake.


I was within a block from the massive mansion and soon had the illusion that I was blasting music within the car. It wasn't me however, it came from Allison's party.

There were dozens of people standing around outside the lawn as well. Allison was also one of them who was standing outside and talking to Kayla and her group of girls. They were all dressed fancily, as I had expected of Allison.

I sighed in relief before catching myself at the end. It was weird. I haven't had this feeling in a while. Scratching my head, I wondered if it was strange to other people that I actually enjoyed feeling anxious again.

Shaking my head of meaningless thoughts, I turned off the car and turned it on self-lock mode. You would be surprised at how well a vehicle could defend itself unless you've lived the secret agent life.

I waited a moment for Allison and her group to migrate back inside and waited another moment to confirm that she wasn't coming back out before I left the car and started for the house.

When I thought people weren't going to pay attention to me, I was dead wrong. Everyone outside snapped their heads towards my direction and tried to make out who I was. I did my best to avoid the stares and kept my face hidden as I entered the mansion.

The first thing I noticed was the loud blasting music. It was spouting out inappropriate words and I didn't like it, but I admit it would make for a good action movie. Second, I noticed the "lower rank" of the school. They stuck together in a group.

Third, I realized they were being bullied.

The anger inside me boiled and I had to keep my cool by reminding myself to tone it down. Five jocks against six defenseless girls. It was nowhere fair, and they were stooping low.

"Hey," I called out sternly, catching the attention of all five jocks.

The boys and girls turned to me in confusion before the guys realized what I was trying to do.

"Is this loser trying to stand up to us," one of the guys said to his friends, immediately cracking up menacingly.

I scoffed.

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