20 | It was For You

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Tired. I'm tired. Let me sleep.

"Kitten, wake up."

... Kai?

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I saw the blonde haired and blue eyed man stand in front of me.

"Kai?" I let out quietly, trying to wake myself up.

"You're discharged," he said back to me, "I'm here to take you back."

"Where?" I asked, although I knew where it was.

"I.O. Academy."

I groaned. I really didn't want to. The school had no meaning to me anymore. Allison hasn't returned to school since the incident, or says the boys.

"I want to go back to the R.U." I let out all of a sudden.

Kai looked at me with an unreadable expression. He placed his hands inside his pant pockets and returned his gaze back on me.

"Do you?" he commented, raising his eyebrows slightly.

I nodded, "I need to report back anyway. The mission's taken a turn for the worst. The goal isn't the same anymore, and I've just reconnected with someone from my past. I need time to think about what I want to do, who I want to do it with, and who I need to look into. After a week of laying here with nothing to do but think about my next move, I've made up my mind."

Kai listened to me silently and nodded, gesturing for me to come. I was being discharged. With a final talk with some doctors, Kai dealt with some papers and soon took me out of the building.


We entered the same school we've been attending and walked into the boys' dorm. Soon, we were right outside of Liam's door. Kai typed in the passcode and the door swung slightly open. We entered and I closed the door behind us. I looked around Liam's room. It was still the same as I had remembered it.

"What class is he in right now?" I asked, going to check up on the baby. Cherish was fine and healthy. She was currently sleeping in her bed.

"Uh, Social Studies?" Kai answered, going to the bed and plopping himself down. He crossed his legs and looked back up to watch me.

"Lunch is next, then," I commented, trying to figure out his schedule.

"We could meet him on the roof," Kai stated, "Is that what you're suggesting?"

I turned to the man and smiled, "Yeah."

I went to wash up and decided to change into some comfortable clothing. Then I realized I had none.

"Kai..." I said carefully as I peeked my head out of the door.

"What," he dully replied, closing his eyes as he tried to rest on the bed.

"Do you know where Liam puts his clothes..." I asked bluntly, holding my breath. It was a weird question, and pretty awkward at that too.

"Why," Kai stated, opening his eyes and looking at me suspiciously.

"No no it's not like that," I reassured him, "I just don't have clothes."

"Oh," Kai answered, suddenly going back to his sleeping position.

Wait. Help me you jerk.

Before I was about to give up, I heard him say, "Cabinet, open drawer four, that's all of your clothes."

I frowned at his comment. What does he mean by 'all of your clothes.' I didn't have any clothes. Still puzzled, I followed his directions and opened that drawer.

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