38 | We Lied

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I drew fog figures on the glass pane of the shower. I drew myself, I drew Axel, I drew Helene, I drew Kora, I drew Sammy, I drew Ash, and then I drew one more male figure. Whether that was Chestin, or Liam, I didn't have enough time to think before the fog condensed and I could see through the glass. Lying on the sink was a neatly folded pile of sleepwear I assumed was for me. Once again, Liam managed to sneak in and place it there, much to my irritation.

I rolled my eyes and turned off the shower faucet, rinsing my hair of excess water before grabbing the towel hanging at the top shelf embedded on the wall and getting out. Cool air engulfed my warm figure and sent chills down my body, which aggravated several wounds that had not healed yet, including some of tonight's episode.

After changing, I wrapped my hair up in a bun with— to my surprise— the black ribbon laying subtly atop my clothes. There's something strange going on with the Liam, I thought silently with a tilted head as I eyed myself in the mirror, gazing at the material, Could he have regained some memories?

I wasn't sure how I felt on that topic. Everything was fine now, but why did I have a bad feeling that things haven't even gotten started yet? That the moment Liam gets his memories back, there's trouble. And not the usual trouble that I was used to, there was something about this situation that gave me an odd, unsatisfying gut feeling. Something.. irreversible almost.

It was an old habit. I sensed danger from a mile away when I didn't even know what it is. But I didn't have the power to stop it. I gave up my freedom to face it head-on.

The girl staring back at me from the mirror seemed anxious, yet mildly relaxed. I didn't like her. She didn't know how to have fun, how to look past false-alarms, how to become better. The more I looked at myself, the clearer I realized just how confused I was. Who was I? What did I do? Who were my allies? Who were my foes? Where is everyone? What am I doing? And why?

There.. was something wrong with me lately. I closed my eyes in exhaustion and hung my head for a while, getting that same feeling from various moments before where I felt out-of-place as Agent W. I was so tired. I wanted to tell someone I was so tired. What exactly was I tired of? It... couldn't be? There's no way I'm starting to think that being an—

knock. knock.

I snapped out of my thoughts as my eyes traveled to the door of the washroom through the mirror ahead of me.

"Lennon," I heard the man outside call.

I raised my brows slowly as I moved my arms again to finish smoothening out my shirt. "What?" I said to the door.

"I'm coming in to wash up."

It took a split second for my mind to process his words. ".. what..?!" my voice choked out, eyes widening in horror as I saw from the mirror that the door knob was being turned.

"Carter, I'm naked!" I fumbled, cursing as I saw his head slowly pop in and his eyes meeting mine.

"Psh," the man scoffed, waving away my comment as he surveyed my fully-clothed body, "You think I wouldn't know? You've been in here for over an hour. But just so you know, even if you weren't done I would've gone in. I need to shower too, okay?"

I couldn't believe my ears. "Carter, a decent man doesn't just barge into the washroom where a woman had just been unless you're like her husband. Even on boyfriend-status I'd kick your ass out." My voice died down when I observed his eyes traveling to my hair and resting upon my bun. He stayed silent, but eventually he looked away without any words.

AGENT W | ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora