31 | Agent W

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"You guys were in touch with my mother?" I sputtered out, confusion and anxiety clouding my mind after sitting there for the past hour or so listening to an event that, although occurred three years ago, had me glancing at the man to my right every two seconds to make sure he wasn't dead.

"No," Jay countered with his firm tone, "We were in touch with Agent W. Your mother, was kicked out and gone for good."

"I don't need you to be some inspirational poetic preacher right now, Jay," I snapped, "I am Agent W. Who was that woman that claimed she was me?"

"Wendy Emerson, your biological mother, a former top-class R.U. Agent assigned with the code name, W. She was stripped of her title and position after a dating scandal with former Agent N, and he too retired."

"Why am I only hearing of this now?" my voice came out almost accusingly.

Jay sighed. "Because like you just heard, Agent W and her husband lost their memories because of Raelyn. Your father, from outside sources, have been reported to become a drunkard because he sees a resemblance of Wendy in you, and only vaguely remembers her existence. Your mother doesn't remember the R.U. until just recently when her memories came back. Why, we still don't know. However, on the day she didn't return, we were sent to go search for you as an agreement that she requested for her daughter to be under our care if she ever was parted from you. From then on we took you in and trained you since you were seven, and the rest is up to date with what you know."

I listened and made little movement, staring into space as I tried conjuring up images of the past. My mother was an agent? My step-sister was an agent? My step-mother was an agent?

What even is this.

"You mean, Wendy was the 'Taboo Agent' we couldn't speak of?" I finally let out, shaking my head slowly in denial, "But we've been saying the code name for years since it's my title. Agent W."

"Yeah... don't ask me," Jay replied, glancing at Liam before letting out, "Look, Agent... "

I frowned at his hesitation, "What?"

"W," He finished, putting on a fatherly smile, "There's nothing wrong. I was just thinking how well you lived up to that title. From what I heard, your mother also lived up quite a reputation with that code name before it was taken away from her."

My eyes softened slightly before my face went blank again.

"First it was Liam, now it's me. Work on your speech, sir," I managed to spit out a sincere light-hearted joke, but that soon died down as I dawned on my situation.

Jay checked his watch and looked back up at me with a sense of urgency. "Liam's waking up anytime now. He has a mission at 7. You will accompany him since it's an ongoing mission he's been at for weeks now."

"Like I have a choice," my sarcastic reply jumped out readily as I picked up my right arm that was locked with Liam's left one, "What's with the cuffs anyway, Jay? It's burdensome."

"That... is a mystery," Jay leaned forward, rubbing his chin, "I suspected it was something attached to him even before Wendy got to him. Your father and Raelyn must've attached that to him before he was taken away. If he ever came in contact with you ever again, you guys would be bound together until they could get their hands on you. Wendy must've lied and just told him it was a mission gadget for his safety, because if he knew it might trigger something."

"Physically or mentally?" I tested carefully.

He responded, "Possibly both. We don't want to trigger the cuffs to self-destruct or trigger the boy and make him trigger the cuffs. We have to be careful."

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