Chapter 3 Destinies Unfold

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/Authors Note \

*************************************Okay So You Guys Im Having Trouble Writing And Im Not Sure Where Im Going With This. I Would Love If You Guys Gave Me Advice Though. (: !!! So Comment Ideas. I WILL CREDIT YOU IF ITS YOUR IDEA :). Kay Thanks <3. END Of Note.


Chapter 3

"You guys seriously, I don't need to go on a girls day out. I'm not in the mood. I just want to curl up and act as if this week has not happened." Whisper said.

Whisper's friends had came to take her out after she explained to them exactly what's been going on and how they play a big part in the grand scheme of things. They were worried for their friend, and wanted to make sure that even with all that has changed, she would know that their friendship was still the same.

"You need this day to relax. Were going to try and have a good day, take lots of groupies and have a nice normal day." Terrianna said as they walked into their first stop of the day.

The building was brilliant. It was the only building in town that had a greek background, it had been modernized a little over the years. It has marble steps leading up to marble collumns with granite

undertones. It was breathtaking.Whisper was enchanted.

"Whoa, it's beautiful!" Whisper gushed. "When was this built?" she asked.

"It was built in 1986, by my father Garret Brown. He had a love for all things Greek, which I inheritated." a familiar voice.

Whisper turned around and gasped. "What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?" she demanded.

He chuckled and replied "Now why would I be doing that my dear?" Justice asked, his voice laced with amusement.

Whisper's friends, who had been quiet throughout the whole exchange decided now was the time to interrupt. "Um, Whisper? Would you mind introducing your friends." Dajiah said, putting extra emphasis on the last word.

"Yes please do introduce us, I love meeting cute guys. You could say I its a special hobby. Hello Im Jasmine nice to meet you." Jasmine said, the last part directed at Justice as she put her hand forward to be shaken.

"Well hello there, Im Justice and I can say with certainty that meeting beautiful women is also a hobby of mine." Justice said with a wink.

Suddenly a feeling began bubbling up, a feeling Whisper had never experienced, something completly foreign-jealously.

"Hi Justice, Im Dajiah." she said while waving.

'Alicia' said the girl moving her head in a polite indication of respect.

"And Im Terrianna, you can call me Terri though" Terri said this as she did a little dance. "So how did you meet our precious little cucumber?"

"Cucumber?" Justice said with a laugh. "Well how we met is a secret. A boy doesn't kiss and tell." Justice said with an undertone of amusement.

"Well ladies it was a pleasure meeting you all, and a great pleasure to see you again Whisper. I must go now see you around." he said as he walked away.

"Man that boy is FINE. I like to show him what I could do to make him very, very happy." Jasmine said wistfully.

"Yeah yeah, come on you guys lets get this day over with.. Afterall I have better things to do." as Whisper said this she couldn't help feeling dissapointed that Justice didn't stay just a little bit longer...

*************************************Omg! FINALLY, Im free of this chapter. It was waaaay to hard to write .. I Hate making conversation sometimes... sorry guys i promise next chapter will have LOADS of action (; (; (; but ta ta for now darlings



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