Chapter 5 Past Revealed

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************************************So You guys Im really, really trying to make this story enjoyable. I do hope you sincerly enjoy this chapter. somethings will be cleared up (: #hinthint lol Btw follow me on instagram? @Beatbyterri. *************************************

"Have you found the girl?" You could here the tension rolling through the room as Jaylen asked this question.

"No sir, we have not found her but it is only a matter of time until we find her we have only to places left to check."

"Well you'd do good to go and check them now. Don't underestimate this girl she has untold powers, most of which she hasn't even discovered." he replied as he paced around the room.

Whisper listened to the exchange while holding her breath. What could someone like them want with her; an ordinary girl-

"You aren't normal Whisper, you are beyond extroidanary. You hold within you the power to bring all evil to their knees." Whisper's thoughts were cut off by Athena.

"Where have you been? Were you planning to just sit back and let me get hurt? Maybe I was wrong to trust you." Whisper said fiercely.

"Let me tell you a story young one. Twenty years ago there was a man, that was so amazing that half of the gods worshipped him and the other half envied him. He was an great creation of someone from high above. A heart bigger than his has never been born. He knew that the world was going to be in turmoil if someone did not step up and try to save this misled planet. He fought in many wars, many you have heard of. He did his best to try and save your kind, but he died before he could accomplish this. All is not lost though before he passed he left behind a daughter- someone who had just as much power and potential as him, even more than he possesed. That daughter is you Whisper." Athena revealed this events with a heavy heart.

"What do you mean my father was a hero? My father couldnt have been! He practically lived at home!" Whisper said.

"I know it may be hard to believe child, but your father was a hero. And soon you too shall be one."

"NO! Your mistaken I Can't-" Whisper was cut off as she felt a hand on her shoulder turning her around. She saw a sinister face grinning down upon her fangs out.

"Wait- did I see fangs? What is going on? What have I gone and gotten mixed in?" Whisper thought but then she was pushed down and she couldnt ponder that anymore...

"There you are! Now lets see what fun I can have with you before I take you to Jaylen." he said as he began to unzip his pants...

*** Dun dun duuuuuuunnnn! Woo! finally down. sorry to leave yall hanging! (: but i have to make it interesting now dont i?. well please you guys leave comments & VOTE. I know people are reading my story.. it alerts me yanno! so pleaseeeeeeeee C O M M E N T & V O T E.  ._. DONT BE MEAN. Well anyways hope you enjoyed

Toodles ^~^ ***

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