Chapter 8 Secrets Uncovered

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**Hey Peeps ! 'Yes I Said Peeps' Did You Think Im Ungrateful For Not Being Happy With Ya'll Just Reading My Story & Not Voting? Well Your Half Right! I Dont Just Want Reads Give Me Votes Give Me Freedom. Lmao (: Well Lets See Where This Chapter Takes Us.. #EvilLaugh ._. Hehe But seriously ENJOY.**

"Hey, Whisper! Wait up. I Need to speak with you." Mr.Lovejoy said as he strode down the hallway briskly.

"Yes sir? Did I do something wrong?" Whisper asked.

"No no. Quite the contrary you did something wonderful, I'm just here to tell you that you entry was recognized by the National Art soceity. Your drawing will be featured in the Daily Art Museum, and the school will be promoted for upbringing such a talented student." Was it her imagination or was there a little bit of sarcasm there?

"Sorry, but I don't know what your speaking of Mr.Lovejoy-" she was cut off by Justice coming over.

"Sorry for interrupting, but I just couldn't help but over hear Whisper being so modest. She did submit the essay Mr.Joy I was with her when she did." He said with a big grin.

"Its Mr.LoveJoy, and Whisper modesty is a great practice but next time just take the news with a smile and thanks." With one last look of disdain at Justice he walked away.

Whsiper whirled on Justice saying "What gives you the right to go and lie to a teacher. I did no such thing as turning in an art piece. What happens when they find out it wasn't me who turned something in?" she asked asked with a voice filled with anger.

"Calm down. A little white lie never hurt anyone, besides wouldn't you rather take the credit for something this big?" He said with a condesending tone.

"You must be the stupidest guy if you think i'd actually be happy with taking the credit for someone else's work. You should do us both a favor and go be a jerk somewhere else." as she started to turn away Justice reached out and grabbed her elbow.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I'm just a little stressed out right now and I took it out on you. Let me make it up?" he whispered as hr brought her closer.

She couldn't think straight feeling the hard rock wall that was his chesy behind her, and his compelling scent wasn't helping matters either.

"Fine, but you better not ever do anything like this again, next time I wont forgive you." she said unconvincingly

"After this, there wont be a next time." he said with a chuckle.

"What did you say?" she asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just that I can't wait for it. Tomorrow then? Its a date." he then walked away with a very confused Whisper pondering what had just transpired.

Around the corner***

Justice began tinkering with his Watch, then a face appeared upon it's surface.

"Did you set a date with the girl?" said a voice coming from the watch.

"Yes I have. The girl will soon quickly fall into our trap. All I need to do is keep the real Justice trapped away while I tamper with our young heroine's heart." Jaylen said as his disguise fell away.

"Good, soon all will be ours and the world will be free to be remade, in our image!" the voice faded away as he began to laugh crazily.

**How did you like the little twistvat the end huh? Theres gonna be ALOT of funny, mean, and awful things happening next chapter. This was just the set up. Now off to make pancakes for dinner... yes dinner! VOTE & COMMENT PLEASE. 'Byess' (:

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