Chapter 6 Unspeakable Power

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*Okay So Sorry For Not Updating But I Was At A Camp And You Cant Have Phones Up There... Needless To Say I Wasn't Exactly Thinking About Updating With All The Crying I Was Doing ._. But Pleaseeeeee Forgive Me And Ill Try And Make This Chapter Really Interesting.... Ill Also try and add some humor. *

"Get off of me! What do you think you're doing? Get your filthy hands off of me." Whisper voice was barely a harsh growl.

"Oh darling, after I'm done with you, you won't want to be seperated from me. Don't worry I'm nicest of all the guards." His sinister grin had an predatory feel to it causing Whisper to go cold.

"I don't care if you were the best in all the world get your hands off me." Even within the shakiness of Whisper's voice, you could hear the fear. Tension ran throughout the air.

"Shut up! I'm tired of this, you know you want me so why don't you sit there all pretty like and take this dic-"

"I said get off of me you disgusting mule-headed cow! You are not fit to be called human." All of a sudden there was a flash of light. It engulfed the man and before Whisper's astonished eyes he turned into an ox, but that wasn't what was most amazing part. Whisper had changed, she looked so fierce you could see fangs sticking out from her mouth and her eyes glowed violet. Veins appeared on her arms making an tattoo like pattern all over her body.

The display of power made Whisper feel a little washed out. She slowly lowered her levitating body towards the ground, her fangs and tattoo like veins dissapeared. She then turned her head towards the ox.

Whisper stared at the man turned ox and started to back away, but the ox noticed the movement and started to stomp its hooves. It bent forward and charged Whisper.

"Watch out!" A blur of movement and next thing she knows someone is wrestling the ox into submission. He waited a moment or two until he was fully sure the beast was under control then he got up slowly and walked towards her, How strange it is, that she recognized him just by the way he approached her, "You should be more careful you know. Why is it I feel like you get into these type of situations daily?" says Justice.

"Why are you here." You could tell by the tone of Whisper's voice that she was in no mood for joking, she had experienced too much and just wanted to be alone. Even if it was the cute Justice talking to her.

"You could be more grateful considering I just saved your butt." he said annoyingly.

"Well I didn't need your help, I had it completely under control. I was just getting ready to take him, and anyways why are you here?" She said.

"I could ask you the same. Especially since you were just in here with an animal that shouldn't have been here in the first place. Why were you here Whisper?" he made her name sound like a caress. It caused vibrations throughout her Whisper's body.

"I- I don't have to justify myself to you." she said fiercely.

"Well what if I wanted you to justify yourself to me? To always have to tell me why you do something. What would you do?" he said while he walked towards her.

"What are you talking about? I am none of your concern and don't need to be." she said.

"Well this conversation is so very interesting but I would feel better if I was walking you out of this building and towards your home. Would you do me that favor, allowing me to walk you home?" he said wistfully while he leaned towards her.

Whisper started to think about all that had happened that night and she realized that with so many weird things happening tonight, she probably would need someone to walk her home. As she debated on whether it was the smart thing to do she began to get this uneasy sensation, like something was about to happen. Then she heard footsteps.

"Ah, there you are. It seems dear Justice was the one to find you eh? Well good job I'll see to it that your promoted up since these good for nothing men couldn't find her. Bring her to me." Jaylen said as he stepped into the room.

"What does he mean that you will be moved up? Are you working for him? I can't believe I even considered trus-" she was cut off as she felt something connect with her head the last thing she heard before she blacked out was a mumbled "shit".

Justice looked at a smug Jaylen and thought to himself that maybe he had been wrong to go to the bad side. Whisper was too precious to be in the hands of a no good henchmen. He knew what to do.

"κοιμηθώ τώρα και να ξεχάσουμε ό, τι εσύ έχει ακούσει, να κοιμηθώ καλά και το όνειρο των επιθυμιών ανείπωτη, τον ύπνο με την κλήση φλοιό ιτιάς, για τον ύπνο εσύ δεν πρέπει να δούμε." Justice chanted and as he chanted Jaylen began to slump towards the ground. "That should hold him, now to take Whisper home and come back for him." he dispersed with Whisper into the night sky.

***Whoop! Im DONE ha next chapter willl either be uploaded tomorrow morning or tonight hope you guys like this one! I tried! please instead of just reading please just READ AND VOTE. and i know your reading I have 107 reads so please vote as well. this chapter is dedicated to @im_a_dinosaur & @AthinaParis ! they inspired me so thanks ! <3 also the greek spell above translates to >>> sleep now and forget what thou has heard, sleep well and dream of desires untold, sleep with the willow bark calling, sleep for thou does not need to see.<<< i made it up! lol***

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