Chapter 9

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  I watched as Chloe's gang closed in on me. No way I could fight them all off... What were they going to do? 

  Just as I got the idea to scream for help, one of them clamped her hand over my mouth as some of them grabbed my arms and began dragging me away. I struggled, but someone slapped me and I went limp. 

  Then I bit down on the hand, hard. I heard a squeal and the hand was removed, I took my chance and screamed. It was cut off as something crashed into my stomach, but maybe just maybe someone would come and save me. Or maybe if I was luckier they'd kill me... I wouldn't have to kill myself, I wouldn't ruin Joey's reputation further, and everything would end. 

  Finally we stopped, and I saw we were in a secluded alley, I dunno where. It was dirty and garbage cans hid us from view. They threw me in a corner and Chloe closed in, looking smug and viscous. 

  "You know, they always think girls only bully with words... But this girl has no problem beating you up!" She grinned evilly. 

  I stared at her blankly. I wouldn't talk... I had nothing to say. I probably deserved this anyway. 

  Chloe kicked me in the stomach, hard. Through my gasp of pain I heard her say, "That's for hitting me with your bag." I curled up, hopefully to hide my stomach from more abuse. 

  She kicked me in the ribs so hard I was sure they broke. "That's for stealing my guy." But I didn't steal him... Did she not see me reject him and say to leave me alone so many times? 

  Then I looked up for a second prepared to say that and I saw she had a brick raised over me. "W-wait!" I gasped out. I could fix this... All of this. 

  "What? Afraid?" Chloe grinned. 

  "No... I-I have a deal... You'll like it..." I whispered, hoping she'd listen. If I went home all beat up and couldn't act normal Mom would murder me... 

  "Hm? Speak, idiot! I'm getting impatient." 

  "If you let me go I'll kill myself, and if I don't and if you see me tomorrow you can do whatever you want to me... Ok?" 

  Chloe hesitated for a second then grinned. "Sure. B-bye!" She dropped the brick on my foot and she and her gang walked away, giggling and smirking. My foot throbbed painfully, was it broken as well as my ribs? Didn't matter though...

  It was honestly sickening, seeing so many people so happy I was going to die, but I'd known that would happen. Wasn't it what I'd known all along? 

  I slowly got up and limped home, my chest and foot and stomach all painful. I got a lot of stares and a few people asked if I was alright, but I didn't respond to any of them. How could I explain, anyway?  They wouldn't be able to help me, they'd just say "Things will get better, don't give up!" Which didn't mean a thing, they couldn't see the future. They were just empty words. 

  I didn't even try to be quiet with the door, nothing Mom said or did would matter. As expected, she yelled all sorts of nasty things at me. I didn't listen, it didn't matter. Soon I'd die and make her life easier anyways. 

  When I got into my room, I closed and locked my door. Not that anyone would disturb me. I heard a tapping on my window, but I didn't look. It was probably just a bird anyway. 

  I probably should've been crying, or at least upset considering what was happening, but all I felt was numbness. That was fine with me, just made this easier... 

  I went into my bathroom, closing and locking that door too. The tapping on the window got louder, but I still ignored it. 

   Should I write a note? Nah, nobody would care... Probably nobody would even read it. What would I even say? Mom wanted me to, Chloe wanted me to, Joey... Oh I was so sorry to break my promise but he knew how I felt and saw this coming. Oh well, no note. 

  Sitting down on the floor,  I took out my razor and pushed it down into my wrist, it went deeper than I had ever pushed it. I watched, transfixed, at the blood pouring out onto the floor. As I began feeling dizzy I put the razor up to my other wrist, to be sure I couldn't survive. 

  But before I could make the final cut I heard the sound of glass breaking, then the door began to jiggle. I dropped the razor in surprise, but my vision was getting to blurry and I couldn't focus enough to pick it back up. 

  After a second, the door burst open and I vaguely heard someone yelling. "Nicole! No.. You promised Nicky! Don't leave me love..." I lost consciousness right then, those words ringing in my head, and only half hoping I'd never wake up. 

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