Chapter 19

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  I woke up, but something wasn't right. I wasn't... OH! I was floating. I looked down, and that was even worse than floating. 

  Firstly because I was scared of heights, even just the foot or so over everyone's head that I was. Second, because below me was Joey, and me, being operated on. 

  If I was floating and seeing all this... Did that make me dead? They did say I'd most likely die... 

  I watched the doctors doing the operation, it seemed that they'd already done the transplant and were stitching Joey up. They were still doing something to me though. Had it gone wrong? Why weren't they freaking out or ignoring me because I was dead? 

  They finished with Joey and rolled him out, probably back to his room. I felt a satisfied relief, he would live. Shouldn't I have moved on or something by now though? Was I gonna be stuck here forever, was there something I was supposed to see? 

  Finally they finished with me, and began rolling me out too. I wonder where they'll take me... As my body reached the door, I felt as though there were a strong wind blowing me after it. I had no choice but to follow, so I did. 

  To my great surprise, they took me the room right next to Joey. What? I ws dead, right? What the is going on? 

  I was forced to follow myself in, and the wind stopped as my body was situated near the window. I floated towards it, trying to see if I could see what was going on. 

  Nope, just that... Okay well I was still breathing, but it was so shallow even a totally not medically educated person like me had to wonder how it was possible I hadn't stopped breathing completely yet. 

  Did this mean I wasn't dead, but dying? Or in a coma? I'm so confused. Why aren't I scared though? Or sad? Or happy? Just confused, but not any of this other stuff I thought I'd be when I died?

  After a while I added bored to my list of emotions. I'd learned to float around the room, but couldn't leave. I could stick my arm as far through the wall as I wanted, but whenever I tried to leave the room I hit an invisible wall, which apparently had no door or anything to go though. 

  The next day I was still on the same position, except reduced to the point of talking to myself and making weird faces at anyone who came in. Until...

  "Joey!" I yelled and swooped towards him. He was being rolled in on his bed by his mom and a nurse. None of them appeared to have heard me, instead looking sadly at my body. 

  "You can leave me in here," Joey instructed, "I... I want to be with her until... Whether she's awake or not." 

  "Okay, but unless she improves soon, as in today or tomorrow, she isn't waking up." The nurse said, shaking her head. 

  Joey nodded and his mom gave him a sad smile. "I'll give you two some time." She whispered, and walked quickly out. 

  The nurse left too, saying she'd be back to check on us soon and if anything goes even a little bad call her quick. 

  Joey nodded, then turned to my body and gently took hold of my hand. "Thank you Nicky. They say I'll live now, and you can too if you really fight for it. I never expected anyone would do that for me. I love you so much. I really hope you make it, I got your note but I still want you. I wanna talk to you and love you and spoil you rotten and make you laugh! Please Nicky, please wake up." 

  After hearing that I was in tears. Even after all this time with him, how did he still surprise me by loving me? I remembered at first when I hadn't trusted him, and only said I'd do what he said to get it over with and make him leave me alone. Now here I was, actually hoping I won't die for this boy. 

  I drifted down to my body and tried to shake myself awake, but it didn't work. I just sank though myself. 

  I looked up at Joey, he was also crying. All of a sudden, he leaned down over me and... He kissed me. 

  Even though as  ghost or whatever I was I couldn't feel it, but I got ecstatically happy. 

  Then all of a sudden I felt as though I were being sucked down a big dark cold hole, and the last thing I heard before losing consciousness was Joey yelling for the nurse. 

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