Chapter 15

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   For a second I just stared numbly in silence, unable to move. What had just happened? Did Joey just say he didn't love me? 

  "Nicole, sweetie? Are you ok?" I felt Amelia's hand on my shoulder. Am I ok? What the- Of course not! But I decided right then and there, nobody but Chloe and her gang were paying for this. I wouldn't snap at Amelia. 

  With a burst of anger, I launched myself from the wall at Milsey. I punched her again and again, while screaming, "Why can't you and the rest of Chloe's dumb gang just leave me alone?! Is it not enough to just make me want to die without anyone else involved? Can't you let me be happy for once? I freaking cut myself and tried to kill myself so many times just because of you idiots just leave me alone!" I was both crying and yelling, and it wasn't until I met no more resistance that I realized I'd beaten every girl in that gang into a sobbing bloody mess on the floor. 

  Then I realized, with extreme satisfaction that I hadn't been alone. Amelia had joined in, on my side, more or less. She looked shocked at herself, but gave me a weak smile. 

  Then I also saw just about all the teachers in the school, staring in open-mouthed horror. "Uhm sorry I'll just be going now." I turned on my heel and began towards the door, then stopped. "Oh, and Amelia didn't do anything wrong. She was trying to break up the fight. Thanks Amelia!" I continued out the door before anyone could recover enough to stop me. 

  I marched out of the school, then full on sprinted to Joey's house. Now it was his turn, for doing this to me. See? I should've known that he'd do something like this. Hadn't I said so since the beginning? 

  About half-way there I got a text, from Chloe. The video. I had to try hard not to scream profanites, had Joey given her my number?!

  When I got to his house,  a little out of breath, I pounded on the door. In a second, it opened to reveal Joey's mom, looking bewildered. 

  "What's wrong, Nicole?" She asked quickly. 

  "Where is Joey?" I growled under my breath. 

  "Oh, he's out right now, I don't know where he just yelled something about a Chloe and having to hurry-" 

  "Alrighty then!" I half-yelled, then recomposed myself. "May I wait here until he comes back?" I asked, polite as I could. 

  "Of course, dear. Come on in." She opened the door wider and let me in. I stalked in and collasped on the couch, sitting stiffly. 

  "What's the matter, Nicky?" She asked in concern. 

  I didn't respond, just clicked on my phone and played the video, gritting my teeth as I heard the voices yet again. 

  She covered her mouth with her hand. "Nicky I'm gonna help you teach that boy a lesson. I would've never expected that of my son, and you just days out of the hospital..." She shook her head, her mouth a thin line. 

  Through my anger and pain I found it hard to show gratitude, but inside I felt a little happiness towards the two people who had stood by me though they hardly knew me. 

  About an hour later, after three coffees, the door burst open. His mom and I both seated on the couch, glaring daggers at him. 

  He looked a bit scared and eased the door closed. "Um mom, Nicky?" He asked. 

  Unable to hold my temper, which I was surprised had lasted so long in the peaceful past hour, I stood up and yelled at him. 

  "How could you?! Seriously?! And CHLOE of ALL PEOPLE?!" I screamed. 

  "Woah, woah, Nicole it's not like that-" He started, when his mom joined in. 

  "Joey! The girl is days out of the hospital, and you're going off with some other girl denying you love her?! Don't even say you didn't think she'd find out because that does not matter!" 

  "M-mom, Nicole, it's not what you think-" He looked truly terrified. 

  "I have a flipping video, Joey! You can't deny doing anything! Come on, at least man up instead of lie to me!" 

  "G-guys shut up and listen a minute-" 

  "What could you possibly have to say? Nothing fixes what you did!" I burst into tears and collapsed onto the couch, curling up in a ball and sobbing. "I should've known, oh I did know I just shouldn't have let myself... I knew this would happen, I shouldn't have let myself love you or trust you I should've just died before you did this..." I buried my face in my hands and sobbed my heart out. 

  "Just listen... Please..." Joey pleaded. 

  "Fine." His mom snapped, "And make it worth hearing!" 

  "I do love you Nicole-" 

  "Not." I muttered. 

  "I refused to do what she said because," He powered on, even as I was saying, "Because you don't love me." "Because she was saying that if I loved you and wanted you to live I should dump you right then and date her! I said no, and I guess she videoed a part that sounded bad, but I said I wouldn't dump you and I'd protect you from her! That's why I left, Mom, I was going to get Nicole from school! But I couldn't find her and searched everywhere..." 

  I went silent, unable to believe my ears. His mom seemed just about the same way. "I'm sorry, Nicky..." I heard him say and the couch sagged next to me where he sat down. 

  I burst into tears all over again and threw myself onto him. I hugged him tightly and sobbed into his shirt. "I'm never letting go of you again in a very literal sense." I whispered into his shirt. 

  He pat my head and hugged me back. "I wouldn't want it any other way, my sweet Nicky." 

  *Awwwww I have been planning this for months!!! So happy I finally did it!!! Oh and time to vote: Should I do the totally evil sad ending, the kinda evil happy/sad ending, or the happy ending? OR OMG ALL OF THEM, LIKE, THREE DIFFERENT ENDING CHAPTERS?!  Ok yeah xD Whatever :P*


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