Chapter 4 Grounded

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"Who's Wilson?" I go silent and try to get away from him.

"Richelle this isn't a joke who's Wilson?" I'm really pulling now

"I don't know!!!" I yell at him "He nice man who visit and say it's okay to be a girl!!! He help me!" Bruce grabs me by the shoulders and looks me in the eye 

"We are going home and your telling me all about Wilson!" I struggle against him as he picks me up

"Put me DOWN PUT ME DOWN!!!" I scream as I get carried away. I thrash in his arms.

"It's four am go to sleep" Someone screams out a window.

he puts me in the black car that looks funny. Its awesome but I've never seen a car like that. I'm in the back seat as he closes the door and I am banging against the car door and there's a cage in the back keeping me in.

This is just like the police car. Is he taking me back to the evil CPS people. I start kicking the door. I'm better back on the street than in their hands. We get back to the cave and he opens the door picking me up fireman style and I'm kicking and screaming.

"Put me down! I"M NOT GOING BACK!!!" He pulls me into a hug.

"Who is Wilson? Did he hurt you? Is he a pedophile?" He is scaring me. I wanted to stay here till Wilson came to get me.

"Wilson is man who help me survive the evil CPS people. He never hurt me. And I don't know what that means." I manage to pull away as he's shocked and I start running down the tunnel. I can't stay here anymore. He's gonna send me back! I'm better on the streets.

He runs after me grabbing me once more. "Why do you keep running away?"

"You gonna send me back to the bad place with the evil people!!! I better off alone than with them!" At this he hugs me close. Pulling me into his arms and shushing me.

"I'm not sending you back... I'm just scared that this Wilson hurt you. Did he touch you?" Okay what kind of creep does he think Wilson is? What does he mean by pedifill? Is it a gender? Like how I'm a girl? But he's a boy

I'll clear this up. "Wilson is awesome. He give me food when foster family don't and first person to say it was okay to be a girl. He even brought me make up, hair brush and girl clothes. He teach me to defend myself and give me knife to protect me from evil foster dad. As long as I do what he say I was safe."

Hopefully I got across how I see Wilson. He's basically an angel in my eyes.

Bruce goes pale. "Did he ever touch you? In places that he shouldn't have?" Nope he still sees him as a creepy guy. And I think I know what a pedifill is now. Bruce is gross.

I shake my head furiously "No Wilson like Tati and angel rolled into one he wouldn't hurt me or touch me. He wants to protect me and be my parent." He really doesn't get it.

Bruce sighs "If you see him just tell me okay? I'm going to protect you Richelle but in the mean time you are not to leave the house... Do you understand?"



Hey guys.

So I know Robin's lines aren't always grammatically correct and this is on purpose. English is Robin's fifth language in this and she isn't quite perfect with it despite speaking it for years. But I think she does pretty well for someone who English isn't their first language. What do you guys think is it annoying or do you guys understand? Tell me in the comments and I might change the story accordingly. Well I'm off to choose my next story to write also






Well Bai

Love You Guys Gals and Non Binary Pals

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