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I was on the field, I was the Glendale Quarterback just like I always wanted. It was the third play of our 2nd game of the season. The play was Trips right, happy keep. As the Hback when in motion, I said, ¨HIKE!¨ and the center threw the ball. I caught the ball and faked it to the Hback. I started running through the left guard and tackle. Their Tackle stopped blocking the Center and saw me, he yelled, ¨TRISTON!!!¨ I ran as hard as I could, but that didn't last long. I saw their Mike Linebacker running towards me. I put my shoulder down to hit him. His helmet hit mine as another player hit my legs at the side. I did two side flips before hitting the ground and my helmet flew off. A different player ran into my uncovered head as I was laying there on the ground. The last thing I saw was colors everywhere when I was flying then I just hurt all over. Then, it was over. I don't know what happened after that, I woke up in a room with everyone crying. I looked into the corner to see Ellie and her mother, I get up and go ask them what's wrong, they didn't even look at me. I go to my mom who was screaming and yelling and crying. I asked what was the matter with everyone. I hear Paige Lattas shaky voice behind me say, ¨Shilyn, no!¨ I turn around to see her on her knees with her hands covering her face, she was beside a bed. I walked over to the bed and froze. ¨No... could it be? No... no no no nO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!¨ I run to the bed as I see me laying there, no longer living. I couldn't believe it. I was dead, who knew football could be that dangerous. I'm now dead and I'm not coming back. They didn't even get to say their goodbyes. I turn to Ellie, I walk over and hug her and It was almost like she knew I was hugging her. I turn away and tell everyone that I loved them and that I was sorry I had to go so quick. Then I took a deep breathe, I knew it was my time to go. I can no longer be here. So now in heaven, I watch over all my loved ones. I tell them every night that I love them and ask them to never forget me.

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