They Wanted Me Dead, And Dead I Was

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I don't know where we were, but me and Ellie were in the same room together. I think it was a classroom because we were all sitting at desks, there were other kids there too. Someone had called Ellie up to the front of the class for some reason and she walked right beside me and halted next to me because whoever called her up there was standing diagonal from my desk. I looked up to see her perfect jawline looking at a teacher, I then put my elbow on my desk to high five Ellie's hand, instead of Ellie giving me a high five, she softly dragged her hand on mine then clasped her fingers around the back of my hand softly and held it slowly rubbing her soft thumb up and down the back of my hand. She gently squeezed my hand, but finally when she left to go back where she came from I stood up and went with her, we ended up in a bed together. We were snuggling. She was facing me, I was facing her, she was playing with my hands and comparing it to hers and she was giggling. Her mom suddenly burst through the door and Ellie and I jumped up, we were scared to death. ¨WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY DAUGHTER!!!!!!¨ Ellie's mom bellowed at the top of her lungs staring me in my little gold eyes. It felt like she looked straight into my soul, until I fell to the ground and died automatically because Ellie's father shot me dead where I stood. The thick cloud of white smoke covered Ellie's originally blue walls, but now are rubicund with my blood. The thick puffy smoke was filling up the oxygen in the room. Ellie bends down at supersonic speeds and grabbed my deceased body with a waterfall of tears pouring out of her eyes to see that I was no more. ¨WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING TO HER!!!¨ Ellie cried yelling at her parents. Her parents wish death upon me. They wanted me dead, and dead I was.

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