Dreams Never Come True

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Have you ever had a dream that you've really thought was real but then realized that could never be possible. Well that happened to me. It was about this girl named Ellie. Me and her used to be best friends, that turned around quick. We started becoming more and more lovable. Me and this Ellie started dating. We would make out, hug, everything a normal relationship would have. We both loved each other, at least... I thought we did. I loved her with all my heart and soul. She was faking it. She never loved me she never wanted to love me she never even wanted to be my friend all of this was all fake I thought I was living my dream, turns out we were living the nightmare that we never wanted to happen. Now she hates you and everything about you. Everything you guys ever thought of doing and everything you've ever done in your past. She hates it all. She switches schools and she never wants to see you again. Used to love her she hates you you'll never get past this or so you believe. Then as you try to get past it you pick up new hobbies such as parkour and you dislocate your knee cap nothing much. Weeks Later you get this funny feeling that something bad happened. You get the trembling and you shaking and you just can't stop and you're so scared your heart beat Rises faster and faster and faster your whole left arm goes numb and your middle finger and your ring finger is stinging really bad, you have no explanation to why this happened. Turns out the love of your life, Ellie, almost died in a car crash. Your heart is so connected to Ellie's that you felt what she was going through at that time and moment. Your middle finger hurting was her middle finger bleeding. She cut it on the couch on accident you and her start to talk and start to become friends but then again you realize you're never going to see her again you never going to be friends with her she hates you and everything about you. So that night you have a dream. Not just any dream you thought you were living the dream. Your dream starts off of a bunch of memories of Ellie when she was little. Memories you were not there to see. Memories you have never seen before and probably will never see. You see Ellie's past. Ellie giving her best friend, Lauren Derenski, a bracelet. That is how they became friends. Little bit later on into the dream you start to see her present and then future, or so you thought was her future. The future you saw for Ellie is not the future she's going to live. Ellie is in a black and white striped dress walking with a bunch of people holding her clarinet, you are at a band recital and she sits down she starts to play. The dream cuts into Ellie in the first or second grade, she's crying. You don't know why. You want to help but you are not there. This is a twisted sense of imagination that you can never escape. Tears roll down her face and it breaks your heart. You just want to comfort her, and be there for her. Then the nightmare cuts to what you thought it would be you and her future. It's you and Ellie's wedding day. You are in a beautiful green field. There are many chairs in the landscape is of course you guys are on top of a mountain on a field looking down at all the trees everything you feel like you can see the whole world from where you are standing. As you hear music going on in the background you slightly turn your head and see her. The girl you fell in love with and the 6th grade. Walking down the aisle in a beautiful dress. It is beautiful on her, she's carrying a bouquet flowers so gorgeous and they match her beautiful icy blue eyes and she smiles at you and looks into your gold eyes. She walks closer and closer to you, finally she gets up there she hold your hand the preacher begins ask if she would take me to be her wife she said yes but you asked me of course I said yes. Right as he says you may kiss the bride she starts leaning in closer, your lips lock, but as this happen everything in the background goes black as she leans away from your face, she looks you in the eyes with the face of disgust as she slowly started disappearing into the darkness of your imagination. You wake up from this awfully dreaded dream that you never want to have again in your life you're crying you're sweating you grab your phone and look at the time and it is 4:33 a.m. you never thought that you'd get out of that dream it, was a living nightmare, all you want is to be by her side right now but you know if you were she would punch you. As you start to calm down you go to the kitchen and get a cup of water and then lay back down staring at the ceiling and you never went back to sleep that night because you were scared of what awful thoughts would escape into another nightmare. You are now afraid of your own imagination.

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