Chapter II

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  Act I of Devotion: Love

Chapter II: The Viper And The Lioness

 Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice but falling in love with you I had no control over

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 Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice but falling in love with you I had no control over


                                                            Three Months Later
                                                              273 AC

THE WIND BLEW HARDER THAN SHE WOULD HAVE HOPED. Leila Lannister stood as the ship neared them, feeling her pale skin shiver at the colder air, her light blonde hair dancing along to the tune of the winds, her palms pressed against one another trying to create some heat. The sun and the spear was on her sights, the sails brushing back and forth against the changing winds.

"They are near." She mumbles softly, though loud enough for her aunt Genna to hear.

Leila had changed in the month that had passed. She had become more than what she had been previously. Leila was very quiet, a very personal young woman who kept to doing what a young woman would do. But that was before her lady mother had died. But when lady Joanna had gone and died, Leila had to grow up fast. She had to stand in her mother's place and be the daughter her father needed.

Her aunt and uncles helped her run the Rock when her father had left a week after her mother had been buried. Her father may have been mourning but the realm needed to be governed. And the king was not the kind of man that her father was. My father runs the realm and he only sits there to reign. Her family was helping her through every bit of work but nevertheless, the young girl of twelve namedays knew that she was young and inexperienced, that she was not as capable as many of the seasoned lions.

Tywin had willed it that Leila be left in charge of the household while he was to be away in the capital. Which shocked Leila as she knew there were more far capable people he can leave the Rock to, but Tywin argued differently.

"Nonsense." She recalls him saying to her, the glistening light of his chambers was blinding her as always. "You are more than capable of running Casterly Rock. You will not be alone, you will have other people to guide you through."

"Why me, father?" She had asked him as she sat before him, dressed in all black silk as she sat straightly against the chair. "I am only a young girl, inexperienced-"

"But you are my daughter." He tells her, his look tough as iron bars. "There can be no other whom I trust the Rock to."

There was no more room for argument afterwards. And as a obedient daughter, Leila was prepared to carry out her duties. She attended household meetings, she made sure that everything in the Rock was functioning, from the lifts to the caverns. She does all the paper work required, signing decrees and refusing them. She meets with all the small folk to hear their complains everyday, assigned servants, guardsmen and other posts required for the castle and of course, she made sure that all their bannermen paid their debts.

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