Chapter XII

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Act II of Devotion: Endurance

Chapter XII:The Last Sweet Summer

'There was a time in the white queen's life where she would see summer before spring. Of course, my mother perfectly worded it this way. "That time, we were all too happy. So happy that we felt that nothing could go wrong at that point. There was hope. My father plotted with Rhaegar for our sakes, my children were all growing up well and I was with child again. But everything that could go wrong did go wrong. I did not see that. But the gods did and I was a fool to ignore it. I ignored the fact that I too helped bring Lyanna and Rhaegar together. And because of it, I helped cause the realm to suffer and bleed a thousand times."

The white queen would never that she forget that despite it all, the year of the false spring was no fault of hers. It was the fault of Rhaegar Targaryen.'

-Maester Maekar, Chapter V of The White Queen.

-Maester Maekar, Chapter V of The White Queen

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LYANNA STARK FINALLY ARRIVED TO THE SHORES OF THE DARK GLOOMY CASTLE THAT WAS DRAGONSTONE. That's when she found out that she was not the only lady that had been requested by the princess of Dragonstone. Lyanna felt insecure at the sight of these other noble ladies. They were far taller than her. Far exceeding her beauty and perhaps too even smarter as well. But Lyanna was not going to falter. She was a Stark, a wolf. She cannot let her father or her brothers down. She will not let the North down either. Lyanna will be better than all these ladies.

Lyanna and the other noble ladies were met by the princess' senior ladies, one of them being a northern lady. Lyanna saw the strictness they were willing to put on show in front of her. They stood up in such a manner that reminded Lyanna of a soldier, they spoke bluntly and hard that reminded her of the way some lords she recalled were. Lyanna did not expect this at all. She did not expect to find that these women were so blunt and direct and so stiff. Is this what southern women are like? Is this why northmen prefer northern women to warm their beds instead?

She had thoughts before of what Dragonstone might look like as she was still aboard the ship. But she did not expect it to be this huge. Filled with volcanic rock and centuries ago's dragon flames, the castle of Dragonstone loomed with darkness and mystery overlooking the lands that were the mainland of Westeros. It was a barren island, filled with rocks and stones from the island's volcanic past. But it was the darkness in the middle of the sapphire waters that gave it color and life. Lyanna found that the castle easily imposed her with fear and awe. How did these dragonlords create such a thing that could be a wonder to the eyes and strike fear to the heart?

Lyanna felt very out of place as she stood there with all of the women there. They were all so beautifully attired, well mannered and all the way through born and bred to be women who adored songs and knights and flowers that bloomed so easily and so sweetly. They are children of summer. They are not like me, born of winter. Born to be strong and proud and hard bred to survive the cold. These girls will not survive being in the north.

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