Chapter XVIII

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Act II of Devotion: Endurance

Chapter XVIII: Sacrifices Must Be Made

'The hardest thing for any child is to be parted from their mother. Of course, why won't it be that way? Any child born in this world would after all be close to their mother, who birthed and took care of them from the moment they are conceived, born and grown. Mothers are the best people I know. For they are willing to sacrifice anything and everything they have for the sake of their children's lives. They are the best of the best. Perhaps even greater than any king in this nation's history.

You may be wondering how I could say that with the fullest of confidence.

Well, because I had a mother who risked her own life just to ensure that my siblings and I would no longer suffer the madness of war and our family.

It was a miracle that Leila Lannister lived to see everything after the madness of my grandfather Aerys II Targaryen. My grandfather had not only forced the creation of a war that was not even necessary to anyone but he also forced unrest within the Red Keep. This of course worried my mother to death, breaking the plans she had made for the sake of preventing a massive battle of all the seven kingdoms from raging.

Because of this she saw only one option left.

Clinging on to duty and sacrifice.'

-Maester Maekar, Chapter V of the White Queen.

-Maester Maekar, Chapter V of the White Queen

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T H E    R O Y A L 
A P A R T M E N T S    O F   T H E   
P R I N C E S S    C O N S O R T

I N    T H E    M I D S T    O F    T H E B A T T L E   O F    T H E   B E L L S

LORD MERRYWEATHER WAS STRIPPED OF HIS RESPONSIBILITIES AS THE KING'S HAND IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE COURT A FEW DAYS AGO AFTER HIS FAILURE TO HAVE THE LORDS OF THE VALE, THE NORTH AND THE STORMLANDS SUBMIT INTO KING'S WILL. Not that Leila would blame lord Merryweather. His duties were getting harder and harder as the king grew more into the depths of madness. No acts he had to do on behalf of the crown sat well with him no matter how his words suggested differently. Leila Lannister could always see the truth in people's eyes.

Nevertheless, the princess consort never expected anything of a different result. War was always going to be an outcome in any event that could occur in their daily lives. Especially when a mad man sat the throne of seven kingdoms. Leila thought she would have been able to keep the peace that her husband had severed and his father had destroyed but it seemed that the gods thought of something else.

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