Chapter VII

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Act I of Devotion: Love

Chapter VII: The Unrepeatable Past

"When the betrothal with Prince Oberyn was broken, Leila Lannister was sent away back to Casterly Rock by her lord father Tywin Lannister after serving her purpose for her father to serenade grace King Aerys II and his court. The place she had once called home felt colder and she longed for Prince Oberyn and the warmth of the Dornish sun. But she would have to face heartache first."

-Maester Maekar, Chapter III of the White Queen

-Maester Maekar, Chapter III of the White Queen

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A Few Days Later

LEILA LANNISTER HAD NO STRENGTH TO EVEN GET OUT OF BED THAT MORNING. There was no reason to be out of bed anyway. Oberyn was not there to be with her and she saw no purpose in remaining joyous without the source of all that made her feel alive. She sighed as she gazed upon the red silks that hung all over her canopy, lively lions prancing through the silks as though dancing. For days, she wondered what was happening and pondering over the  fact that it couldn't have been reality. Her reality was different from what she saw now. Her reality was joy, not misery.

Leila had been released from house arrest three days ago, though she refused every chance to enjoy her freedom in order to wallow in sorrow and pain. She was depressed, longing for only one thing and that one thing was the person she had loved with all her heart. It was painful to think about not seeing him for a while, she thinks. Leila was sure her father would laugh at her now, weak and controlled by her emotions. She was a Lannister, a lioness of Casterly Rock and that should not be tainted with weakness. 

But she couldn't help it. Leila Lannister fell in love with him and loving the prince of Dorne made Leila understand that there was more to life than pride, than riches or any other treasure in the world. He changed her and Leila knew he did so for the better. Leila Lannister would have been stuck in the same old boring walls that she had built for herself all her life, to ensure that no one came across. That she would have no fear from those who would try and control her. But when Oberyn Martell came into Leila's life, the walls fell and removing the blinding bind from her eyes, she saw the bright beaming sun. 

Leila wondered how her betrothed was doing as she looked up, placing her hands on top of each other upward her belly. Despite having been allowed to be free from captivity, Leila was still not allowed to see Oberyn. Oberyn has not been freed by his mother's guards she thinks, considering that the princess knew that if she had freed her son, he would do something he would regret for the rest of his life. 

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