Chapter I

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Act III of Devotion: Liberty

Chapter I: The Wandering Queen Part I

"'In the many years that would eventually pass them by, the royal house of the Targaryens grew into the most powerful and dominant house once more throughout the seven kingdoms. Backed the wealth and prestige of the lions of Casterly Rock, the queen's family, the Targaryens had no one to rival them but themselves.

And it was all thanks to the hard and calculated work of the queen herself, Leila Lannister.

Hidden cunning and brilliance that imaged her into the lioness, inch by inch and little by little she had managed to remove them from the brink of ruin and into the golden age farther than what Jahaerys the first had ever managed with his own wife.

She was truly the one in power behind the iron throne of her husband.

Leaving the small folk to love her deeply with all of their hearts, knowing truly how much she has done for the realm's well-being, for her children and the peace of the seven kingdoms, but most certainly for her own sake as well as she grew older.

But these things had started to bore her and things had started to influence change in the white queen and there she decided that she has had enough in the games that her husband plays, all the lords and ladies of the realm play and so dearly pay for if they should lose.

My mother, the queen, at the age of three and two had decided to become the Wandering Queen.

She decided to leave the comforts of her own kingdoms to travel into the unknown on a ship filled with those closest to her as her companions. To Lys, to Skagos, to the Stepstones and so many more without a care in the world, despite her love for her children.

Despite of her duty and despite of all that she would leave behind, she still decided to stay away and be free, truly and fully free. Of course, my father could hardly care if he would not see my mother just as much.

It mattered more to him that he would make her happy and that he continued to do despite everything else that came as a consequence.

Not that I did not put into mind how important it was my mother was happy, it mattered to me deeply to know my mother was joyous with her life. Especially after all she had been through.

But as I think about it now, the things that would transpire through the years would be the downfall of our family. The downfall of her as well.

In that summer of the year two and ninety, my grandfather the lord of Casterly Rock, Shield of Lannisport, Warden of the East and hand, Tywin Lannister, relinquished his title as hand to return to Casterly Rock.

It caused quite a steer at the courts of the nobilities and that of the main court of my father as well. The small folk were horrified about the future without Tywin Lannister's leadership as hand.

Things had flourished with my mother and my grandfather at the helm of the political spectrum and thus it was worrying that the other was in the far flung edge of the known world trying to pleasure herself with exoticism and the other retiring back to the place where he truly belonged into.

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