Chapter II

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Act II of Devotion: Endurance

Chapter Two: The Courtier

"Leila Lannister spent at least three weeks in the capital as a member of the king's court. Leila's purpose there was to distract the king in order for legislations to be passed here and there as was the wish of her lord father. She not only successfully managed to make the king forget about his hatred for lord Tywin but managed to charm the entirety of the court, making them bend to her will in a manner of a smile. But those three weeks were the hellish Leila Lannister had been in her entire life. Too much had changed then and there for her. And all because she had to go to be at the court of deceit, pain and jealousy that was of Aerys II Targaryen's capital."

-Maester Maekar, The White Queen, Chapter IV


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LEILA LANNISTER WAS RELIEVED THAT HER FATHER HAD NEVER FOUND OUT OF HER OUTING ALONE IN THE CITY. The gods knew she already had enough nagging from her uncle Gerion and her own sworn sword Mors Manwoody. The morning before, Leila had decided that she was going to go out into the capital of the Seven Kingdoms alone and had decided to go and fish at the nearest area of the Blackwater Bay without people to ensure the safety of her person. Leila had not been worried about that at all when she went to bribe her guardsmen. But when she sat down in the chair in the middle of her uncle's chambers with Mors angrily glaring at her with his hands upon his chest, she knew she was in trouble. Deep never ending trouble.

"To bribe your guards like that!" Gerion Lannister huffed out loud as he glared at his young niece. "Then leave without informing anyone of your decision to have an adventure. No notes! You could have at least taken a guard with you to look after you in a distance. But no, you decide to go out without informing anyone after bribing your guardsmen and went off alone streets full of dirty bastards who would do anything to get what they want from a young girl like you. Leila, you are no fool! You know how dangerous King's Landing could be. To think that you are the most brilliant woman in all of Westeros and here you are, disobedient and ignorant of this place's danger especially to women like you."

"I know.." She mumbled under her breath.

"You know but you did not even remember it while you bloody fish in the middle of a fucking city filled with thieves and cutthroats." Gerion Lannister had never been truly angry. In fact, he has only ever been angry three times, counting now. Once when his brother told him that Joy Hill did not belong in Casterly Rock despite her lion blood, the second when Tywin wanted to throw away his own young son into the Sunset Sea for being a dwarf and now when Leila decided to follow her own will despite the dangers it entailed without someone to protect her. "I am very very disappointed in you, Leila. This is not what Lannisters do!"

"I'm sorry, uncle." Leila whispers to him as she fumbled with her fingers, her green orbs unable to even look at her uncle's eyes. She felt ashamed that she didn't inform her uncle of her plans. Her uncle Gerion was the most understanding person in the family and she knew he only worried for her safety knowing she was young and his own blood. He worries constantly for her and she returned it by worrying him. She did not regret anything from her trip but the fact that she made her family worried, that she was ashamed of. "It will never happen again, I swear to it."

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