Bell of the Ball

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I couldn't help but glare at the dress I would wear today. We were celebrating the alliance our pack was forming with the future Moon Godess Geminie and unfortunate for me I would have to shift and show my wolf to the future Goddess. My father knew I had shifted. He could smell it when I got home the night my wolf was revealed and right away Trix stepped in, volunteering to train my wolf form. He played it off as the king being to powerful and might hinder my ability to produce strong heirs if he injured me in training.

Since that night five years ago only Trix had seen my wolf. It was an unspoken pact we made. If father found out I would be shunned until I found a mate to produce the next royal or I would be killed. Father never liked runts. He always shipped them off to a new pack away from ours.

"Princess it is time to put your gown on." The maid says with a forced smile as she takes the ball gown from the hanger and holds it out to me.

My hair was already in its updo, a bun shaped from multiple curls with some hanging down to frame my face. Not only was today Alliance day, but it was also my eighteenth birthday.

A sad fact father forgot to mention.

With the pure white ball gown waiting for me to step in I couldn't help but take in the irony. I was a pure white runt wearing a pure white ball gown. Was father hinting at something. Like he knew what I was.

"Princess." The knock at the door has me turning to see my best friend. He was now the Theta, third in comand of my pack, and I couldn't be happier. My best friend had faught and trained for this position and with his title came the responsibility of keeping me safe.

"The Goddess has arrived and so we need to be at the ball room immediately." He states urgently and I knew right then I was running late.

With a finale nod to the maid I rush out of the room with my best friend at my heels as we race to the ball room. I could already hear the chatter and the. Sounds of happy guests. The music from the small string instrumental human band that my father requested.

They did not know we were wolves and per request they were to leave the room when it was time for me to shift. A stupid tradition that some ancestor made when ever an alliance was form. A tradition that made the eldest daughter show her strength in case her mate was in said pack. In case her mate was of strong blood line and would produce great heirs. How barbaric.

With a sigh I straighten my clothes, my dance slippers being tied once more before I straighten the tiara delicately placed on my head. A silver Tiara.

Like most wolves and supernaturals silver was our kryptonite. It was something we knew would kill us or leave scars. But when I was little I picked up a silver chain with a moonston pendant hanging from it. My mother was so terrified that I would be injured but all I did was put it on and smiled at her. I was immune to it. Right away anything silver was made to me. As a way to protect myself. I was told I would be a strong Queen and thats when mother started training me.

"Silver as always, hmph." My father dissaproved. He hated knowing that I could wear the metal and he couldn't. I had turned my door handle and any other metal object attached to my door silver on the outside to keep him out and told my maids to use the hidden passage because they were trusted. They practically raised me.

The only other person who was immune to silver was Trix. Its why he could come and go as he pleased.

"Father you know having silver on me is for my safety. If something were to happen our line would end and we would not have an heir." I knew this answer would ease him. Now I just had to get through today.

The music stops playing and I knew the humans were told to leave for the time being. With a final once over of how I look my father nodds to the guards and the doors are opened. Trumpets blair and my father slowly starts to walk into the massive room.

"His Majesty King Alexander Theon Geoffry Thorn." Some one shouts loud and clear, clapping following afterwards. I had a few minutes before my father's introduction would be done. A few minutes for me to square my shoulder, plaster the practiced smile on my face and a few minutes to calm my heart.

I could do this.

"Presenting Princess Crystalline Evangaline Rose Thorn." That was my que as my steps take me forward, faces of awed wolves staring at me. Mummers of my grace and beauty settled into the room as a quiet buzz.

"Welcome guests of honored allies. Today we all form a new alliance with the future Moon Goddess's own pack. May this day be blessed." I say happily as it was my responsibility to greet at the ball.

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