Training through the Years

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Fourteen Years Old

I hated this training. I hated running like my life depended on it. But Trix had made it his mission to train my speed and agility.

Something a runt like me could only inherit.

I knew the forest like the back of my hand. It was my home away from my father and the pack. I hated the pack.

My father had made it his mission to make me seem weak. Trix made it his mission to make me strong.

They will all one day regret the way they treated me soon when I become Queen.

A help escapes my muzzle as I feel my paws slipping out from under me as a wolf tackles my small form. I couldn't help the sigh that escapes my lips.

[You're easy to take down when distracted] Trix chuckles out, nuzzling me gently before licking my snout. I knew if a wolf could blush I would be beat red right now.

[Sorry. But I will be better I promise.] For some reason I didn't want to dissapoint Trix. He was my rock. The only person who knew I was a runt.

Fifteen Years Old:

The rush of wind through my fur has me excited for the hunt. Trix has been promising me this for over two years since I first shifted. I was fifteen today and the adrenaline of hunting my first kill deep in the forest was something I had dreamt of. My father thought I was too weak to go on one but I knew I was different. I was strong.

At thirteen I had survived a shift that should have happened when I turn eighteen. That was something not many wolves could say they had survived.

[So Crysta, bear?] Trix asks with a laugh as I too even more excited then before. A bear was something only warriors could hunt. Something not many wolves would be able to kill.

[Yes. Put that asshole I call my father in his place for a few days for calling me weak] a rumble of approval comes from my friend before we head of into the direction of a black bear den. We were hunting seasoned bears that were not with cubs. Ones that were not easy to kill.

Sixteen years old

I groan as I land in the dust of the training field, laughter from the male I was fighting infront of me causing my anger to flair. He can laugh now but I am gladly taking this beating until I can figgure out his skills.

Movement from my left told me he was getting cocky. I bet putting the so called weak princess on her ass was something to brag about.

For now.

With quick movements I was on my feet and silently creeping my way towards the male. All the others were ready to collect their bets from Trix thinking they had won. Odds were against me because my father made me to seem weak and useless. Trix knew I wasn't.

With a grin I quickly make my way towards Narin, the future beta of my pack. He would be the beta that followed my rules and I refused to think he is better then me. I am to be the Queen. His Alpha.

Before he could sense it I had kicked his feet from under him, quickly straddling his torso as I sent an open palm to his nose, the crunch and blood coming from it gratefully showing I broke it. Next was a fist to his jaw, feeling a little more tension as he snarls his anger. I barely roll away from him and gracefully standing.

"You Bïtch!" He growls charging at me. Anger could be used as a great fuel to defeat the enemy. But if you let it controle you it can be your worst nightmare leading to a crushing defeat.

I laught gleefully as Narin tries to swipe at me with his claws until I got bored, kicking his torso with quick movement and hearing more crunching sounds. Twirling around as I dodge his own kick and bringing my elbow down and snapling his femur before grabbing his har and laughing as he falls to his good knee.

"Check Mate!" Fear was evident in Narin's eyes as I let his fall continue till he was laying flat on his front.

"Trix you prick you owe me fifty percent of the money!" I call out as I make my way to my best friend and fist bumping him. Only he had bet on me and now we were rolling in the best cash ever made.

"You know what, its worth it seeing how all these high and might macho males now fear you." He laughs out, ruffling my hair. I turn and smirk at the now silent crowd. Of course they never expected me to be this good.

"Some one help my future Beta to the med ward. When he is heal some one make sure his training is increased." I order, leaning against Trix. I was sure he would be my mate. It made sense since we could feel a bond slowly forming and even the pack suspected it. I hoped he was.

"Yes Alpha Crystalline." They answer before rushing off. Boy was today the best birthday ever.

Rejection To The Alpha King's Daughter [Rejection Series]Where stories live. Discover now