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[How far away till we get there?] For the umpteenth time we hear Blake groan through the mind link, glad I had the 16 year old driving one of the moving trucks before I could smack the living shit out of him. Every three minutes he would ask the same question over and over again until everyone was ready to strangle him. I was just happy Alice was asleep behind me.

[Blake shut the hell up. We get there when we get there!] And here comes the fighting as Marcie snaps finally. I could already feel the head ache.

[Marcie stop being so bossy, Crystaline is the Alpha not you!]

[Who the hell do you think is her beta Blake?]

For another three minutes the two argued to no end until I couldn't take it and shut down my link, enjoying the silence.

The highway slowly brought us north toward the denser forests. It felt strange having nature around us again while the sounds of the city faded away. I already missed the busy street and the humans. I missed the hustle and bustle but I had to do this for my people.

The phone rings and I smile as I press the touch screen dash in my Hummer, music being replaced by the call screen as I answer.

"This is Crysta." I answer happily.

"So how far away are you?" My smile widens as I hear Trix's voice. It's been a whole month since we last talked and last night I had Albot text him and Geminie the details of our move. I couldn't wait to see the two and run through the forest with them soon.

"Couple of more hours. My...pack...has been bickering for the past five minutes now. I think the driving is getting to them." I groan. I did not want to spend another few hours listening to Blake and Marcie argue over nothing while Albot, Alice and I get headaches from it.

"Sounds like you're having fun. When you get to the house you guys are heading to I'll be there with a surprise." He chuckles out on the other end and I frown. He knows I hate surprises but the fact my best friend would be there makes me smile to no end.

"Okay. I'll see you soon Matrix. I miss you."

"I miss you too Crystaline." With a sigh I hang up the phone and focus on the driving. Albot probubly guessed I couldn't take Marcie and Blake at the moment and will call me to open the link up again.

I check the rearview mirror and see Alice happily snuggled into her giant rabbit stuffy I won her at Canada's wonderland the first time we went there. She took that thing everywhere while she was getting used to the city and it became her shield and best friend. Now she will have to change her whole life because of this move.

The drive continues silently until a howl sounds loudly, the trees around the highway echoing the voice greatly.

"Crystalline?" Alice's scared voice reaches mine and I send a reassuring smile before opening the link back up.

[Albot, friend or foe?] Albot knew howls better then anyone. He could tell just from the skunds if we could continue driving or if we would be surrounded.

[I'm not sure. It seems to be muffled. I think its the souless tracking us.] I didn't need any incentive after that to press my foot harder to the gass peddle as I drove faster, happy that it was only my pack and I on this part of the highway.

Alice stays quiet in the back, clutching her rabbit stuffie closer. I could feel the shift in the air as we reach wolf territory, the howls of our persuer fading away as I slow the car down.

[Albot?] I question, my eyes and senses peeled for any new threat.

[In the clear. Should be smoothe driving from here.] His answer soothes me as I pull over to the side of the road, turning the car off and reaching my hand out to Alice.

"We're fine hun. Don't worry soon we'll be at our new home and have a lot of fun." I smile at her as she clings to my hand, her head nodding before she sits back and I turn to continue driving. Soon we would be home.

The roads stay clear as we turn onto a dessolated trail, barely considered a road. The trees closed in on the trucks but for some reason it felt right.

I knew the others had driven farther from Alic and I after I stoped to reassure her so I knew they would have reached the place by now. When the long trail ended and the forest cleared to show a beautiful expansion of land as well as a massive mansion before us I couldnt help but grin.

"Heard there were some rogues." Geminie states as Alice and I exit the vehicle.

"Yeah but once we turn this into a pack no one will harm us." I answer back, hugging my friend.

"Are you the Moon Godess." Alice asks, hiding behind me sheepishly. I couldn't help but smile as I slowly pull the girl forward, seeing the rabbit still clutched in her arms.

"Close. I'm her daughter." Geminie answers, bending to Alice's height and sticking out her hand for my pack member to shake. Wich she did happily.

Arriven was here as well as their daughter Destiny. Amberly and Demitrias stood off to the side with their pups as well. A pain flickers through my heart because I wanted what these women have. They were strong and I envied them greatly.

"Don't worry, you'll be a mother one day." Albot says quietly when I feel his arm wrap me in a hug. But the truth was I had Blake and Alice to care for. What I wanted was a mate to call my own like them. A father figgure for Blake and Alice.

"Okay well now that everyone is here time to make you an Alpha Crysta!" A voice says and I pull away from Albot to find Trix grinning like the Cheshire cat. I couldn't help myself as I run into his out stretched arms, leaping at the last second to wrap my legs around him and hold onto him, his arms holding onto me.

"Welcome home Crysta."

Rejection To The Alpha King's Daughter [Rejection Series]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat