Life gets better

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"Mama who will be Queen?" I smile as I watch Arora and Nova play on the thrones, their matching curly white hair just like mine bouncing as they bounce around.

"Depends on who is fit for it. Being a ruler isn't just about pretty dresses and golden tiaras. In our case, silver tiaras." I answer, picking up Arora and tickling her sides. My heart is full of love as the four year old giggles in my arms, her sister Nova trying to sneak away.

"I hear giggling." Albot's voice calls out, a squeal of surprise sounding from Nova as I confirm that she is held in the hands of her father. A golden crown sits atop my mates head, his tailored suit fitted to his body, hiding the muscles that I know is beneath the fabric.

"How was the trip, did you make a new ally?" I ask, settling the squirming Arora down and watching as she tries to free her sister who is now giggling and squealing within her father's grasp as she too is tickled.

"Yes we did. Next time I'm staying home with the pups and you can go to the next meeting." I can sense the tone of 'there's more to talk about later' in his voice, Albot sending me a look with a sigh. It's been four years since the war ended, many pack quickly converting to our allies with a few rebels that have had to be squashed. The supporters of Lupus and his line is evidently the one thing that worries me each day with my pups safety being priority. Nova is soon set free and the twins run off to the other side of the room where their toys are placed, their gazes holding a glint that gives away their thoughts of causing some form of trouble. Of course the two little ones would be planning something for their father since Albot had been away for four weeks now. Strong arms pull me close, fingers capturing my chin tilting my head to look back as lips claim me in a long slow kiss, one that leaves me breathless with a promise of more to come tonight.

"I've missed you." Albot whispers, his lips trailing my jaw and leaving sparks in their wake. My lips open, ready to respond when the cry from the bassinet just by the window sounds, causing me to chuckle.

"And surprisingly I've missed that too." Albot chuckles out, a grin on his face as he gives my lips a quick peck before striding to the bassinet and lifting a crying Isaac out from within. Knowing the girls are safe, I walk to my mate, wrapping my arms around him from behind and listening to Albot as he soothes our son back to sleep.

"Narin came home yesterday. He finally found his mate, Laura, I wanted to wait for you before we welcome her into the pack." I whisper, my eyes on the twins as our small family enjoys the quiet reunion.

"Good. It's about time that idiot came home. We need our Beta and now that hes found his mate we can grow stronger." I nod, smiling as I nuzzle closer to Albot, breathing in his scent.

If someone had told me all those years ago that making a wish on a shooting star would lead me here, as Queen of the werewolves with a mate, three biological pups and two adopted pups I would have laughed at them. I was unwanted by so many in my pack. Unloved and always the punching bag to the King. Even now, as a runt, many still question me. But with Albot by my side we have managed to grow into a stronger pack and stronger nation.

"Crystalline we're here." The doors to the throne room sudden open, Trix walking into the room hand in hand with Marcie as their son Jacob rushes in, making a beeline to where the twins play. I roll my eyes at my best friend who makes himself at home sitting on the throne as Geminie growls at him while Ariven and Dominic talk animitly about sparing with each other, men.

"How the hell did you manage eighteen years with his annoying ass. I swear the next time we come here I'm putting a sleeping drug in his coffee." I laugh at my friend's irritation, Amberle motioning for her pups to play with mine and Geminie's a look of exasperation on her face.

"The next game of "I Spy" Matrix starts and I'm gouging his eyes out." The fire haired she wolf states, causing me to one again laugh loudly. Albot settles the now sleeping Isaac back in his bassinet, kissing my forehead before joining the three other men, Marcie sighing as she joins us.

"You think that's bad, Karaoke Friday's at the pack makes me question why I haven't strangled him yet." This has the rest of us laughing as I look around the room filled with love and laughter. Each of these wolves have been a part of my life since being rejected, each one helping me to reclaim my throne. Without them, I would be lost.

"Hey mom sorry we are late, Blake was getting his ass kicked by this she wolf. Turns out they are mates." Alice's voice filters in, the small pup now growing into herself as she strides confidently into the room.

"Was not!" Blake grumbles out, his head tilted away from me but I still spot the black eye he now sports. Whoever his mate is definitely has my support if she can put his ass on the ground.

"By the looks of that black eye kiddo, I say she kicked your ass." Trix comments, getting a chuckle out of everyone and an annoyed blush from Blake. I felt blessed with my family now here, the room filled with laughter as we catch up. Being a Queen is a tough job, one that has taken years to figgure out as I fix the mess left behind from Alexander, but with everyone here and their support I know that the future is bright for the werewolf race.

With the quantity of soulless on a decline and rogues now being accepted into other pack for a fresh start I felt good about my reign and hopeful in teaching my pups how to be a benevolent ruler. As the Alpha Queen, I'll make sure that anyone who's been rejected or abused can find freedom and learn who they are, male or female we all deserve a second chance.

Rejection To The Alpha King's Daughter [Rejection Series]Where stories live. Discover now