The End of War

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As we march through the meadow the sounds of growls and the stench of soulless begin to reach my army. The wind blowing towards us brought a premonition of what to expect when we reach the battle grounds. I hated knowing that today would mean I would either lose my life or gain freedom for my nation. The only thing I hoped is that there would be little casualties on my side.

After reaching the top of a hill the sounds of enimy wolves grow to a crescendo as if to intimidate the army behind me. But the resolve and determination of the wolves who follow me radiates through the air. We will not be afraid and not back down.

Soulless at various stages of sanity and insanity line up behind Lupus, a black crown sitting atop his head as his eyes scans the line of soldiers behind me. His blood red eyes connect with mine and we stare for a brief moment before he looks away and smirks.

"Geminie so nice to see you're doing well." His deep voice echoes silencing his Soulless. I could feel the anger radiating off my friend as Ariven shifts closer to his mate. Our group knew what that bastard of my brother did to her and it was a debate on who would kill Lupus first, me or Geminie. I continue to scan the wolves behind the Soulless King, trying to find their weakest members and who to attack first. The ones who held more sanity seemed to be placed in the middle while those who were on the cusp of death seemed to line the front and back. They would be the cannon fodder to slow us down until the ones who were more stable could sweep in and kill us. But were were not that stupid. Amberle, Geminie and I had face off many Soulless in our lives as rogues so killing them is like second nature to us. If we could help them we would but at this point with the army that Lupus gathered rivalling my own it would be easier to kill the. Let their souls become sane  and whole again and rejoin the wolves on the other side. Maybe they could be reborn and find love and a better life all over again.

[Trackers and wolves that are the fastest go after the ones on the verge of death. Hunters make sure to take down the healthier Soulless. When you Trackers finish with their tast help the Hunters kill the healthier ones.] I send through the open link. As Queen I had gain the ability to mind link any wolf under my command during war. I never thought this ability would be useful but a part of me felt reassured knowing I could relay a message to everyone behind me who fought for me. I just pray that the Goddess will help those under me to be safe.

"Crystalline little sister this war will be over if you just hand me your crown." Lupus' voice brings my attention back to him. I could see the cocky smirk displayed on his lips as if I would listen to him and openly hand him my crown to avoid this mess. But their was only one outcome on who would win and that would be if one of us is dead.

"If you want it Lupus it will have to be over my dead body. Before my crown will ever be yours you will have to kill me first." My voice holds power as I speak down to my brother, a glare of hatred washing over him from me. If this wolf had been a decent brother I would have lived life as a normal daughter with our parents but he took that away. Everything that happened in my life seem to have started from the time Lupus set out to kill me when I was only a baby. I'll make sure he pays for it.

"Bring it on little sister. I was hoping to let you live being family and all but fuck it. You and anyone you hold dear will die tonight." On those words wolves on both sides charge forward as the two of us stare at eachother for a moment longer before we both shift and dissapear into the throng of wolves.

All around me is fur of various colours. At one point I caught Amberle's fire coloured wolf and Dominic's ice coloured wolve rip apart a black Soulless before they dissapear once again. I knew my white fur is an easier target as I dodge and fight off multiple Soulless at a time. I found myself in an endless cycle of dodge, claw, bite, kill and retreat while leaving a trail of dead Soulless in my wake. My muzzle was stained black by the foul blood of the decaying wolves but I had become numb to the stench once the battle reached a certain limit. Witches were popping in and taking the wolves from my side away to be treated. Both sides were slowly dwindling down but my sights is not on the soldiers that Lupus had gathered. My goal is Lupus himself.

[Crystalline go after Lupus. You're fast enough to dodge everyone they are just trying to wear you down.] Amberle's voice fills the open link as other wolves send agreeing notes as well. I know they are right. I had focused on helping my wolves fight off the army without searching for the Soulless King. I needed to refocus the goal. What needed to end this war is the death of Lupus.

[If I cant kill that sn of a bitch then you do it for us Crysta. Go, we got this.] Geminie's voice adds as I spot the crystal coloured wolf with her mate take down a farrel Soulless before they nod at me. I feel a sense of pride from the support of my friends and let out a long howl that floats above the sounds of war. A war cry of my own before I take in a long breath and focus on finding the scent of Lupus. It was instinct. Like a homing beacon telling me where my familial ties were. I could smell Geminie as she shares the blood of my twin sister and the hum of Royal blood in her. I dodge the wolves who try their best to take me down while continuing to take in the scents around me. I could feel the hum of another royal in the crowd, one stronger than Geminie with a foul tast to it. Lupus. Like the disease named after him his life was a disease to the royal family. One that had to be eradicated and it was my time to do so.

My sole focus now is finding him and as the hum grows closer I find myself in the center of the battle face to face with a blood red wolf. For a moment my crystal eyes focus on him as his face mine. The wolves around us slowly come to a stop as they face Lupus and I as if missing the battle between the two of us was a taboo amongst them.

Without warning Lupus and I lunge at eachother simultaneously. I watch as his jaws with glimmering canines focus in on my neck but I would not let him have it. With quick foot work I zigzagged to the side, twisting my body just enough to rake my claws along his side and feeling his skin tear. A pained howl escapes my brother's muzzle as he stumbles onto to regain his balance and quickly swipes at my hind legs. I feel my skin being torn away, repressing a pained whimper before quickly retreating a safe distance.

Lupus let's out a loud snarl, saliva dripping from his fangs. He was not happy with being injured by me. Too bad though because I planned to kill this bastard. Without warning I push off the ground and into the air, my claws outstretched and aiming for his neck. He retreats just in time for me to miss my mark but what He doesn't know is how quick I can be. With a smirk I land long enough to lunge forward, my jaw claming onto his cheek and tearing away flesh. Blood oozes out of his wound as his blood red eyes glow. He meets me head on though and soon claws tear apart my ear in seconds.

Blood trickles down my face and I decide it was all or nothing now as I pick up my speed, my teeth and claws scratching and tearing away at anything I can reach. In the end the both of us are left standing feet apart covered in wounds and glaring at each other. The sounds of bones cracking catch my attention until Lupus is left standing in his skin form, the depth of his injuries shown better with the fur gone.

"Shift little sister. This isn't over." He yells out, his hands clenching as he races towards me. I meet him head on, my body shifting to skin as I run towards him. He swings but I duck, my legs swiping his out from under him. His face holds a look of shock as he crashes to the ground. Before I let Lupus regain his bearings I quickly sock him hard, the satisfying crunch of bone sounding as my fist breaks his jaw. Claws dig into my hip and fresh blood oozes out and down my side. I wince from the pain. I feel my body being thrown to the ground before hands reach out and begin to strangle me. My eyes look into the red crazed eyes of Lupus as a victorious smirk plays at his lips on his mangled face.

"This it the end for you little sister." His voice is filled with triumph as his grip tightens and black dots fill my vision. I knew both of us were on our last stand. With determination one hand grasps Lupus's neck while the other reaches towards his chest as I dig my claws into him. I hear his pained gasps as he tries his best to strangle me, my body depraved of the precious oxygen that I need as I search for his heart, surprised to know it is still beating.

My clawed hand clasps the organ tightly and as my vision slowly fades to darkness I pull my hand back, praying that I killed Lupus before I go unconscious.

Rejection To The Alpha King's Daughter [Rejection Series]Where stories live. Discover now