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The sounds of machines beeping causes the sweet bliss of sleep to slowly fade away as I try to open my eyes. I wince when the bright lights causes me to quickly close them and let out a groan.

"Crystalline you're awake!" Albot's voice, although hoarse sounding, fills my ears and a small smile plays at my lips. My mate. I feel his hand clasps mine and a kiss on my forehead leaving tingles where we touch. Definitely still my Mate. I try to say something, my mouth opening and closing but no sound comes out.

[Lights are too bright and I need a drink please.] I ask Albot through our link, squeezing his hand gently. There is so much I want to say to him about what happened after the war and where I went but first I wanted to see him. To see the man who has been there for me for three years and who I love so much. I feel his hand let go of mine and another kiss on my forehead before I feel his presence move away. A few minutes pass when Albot returns back to my bedside, his hand once again taking mine.

"You can open your eyes now beautiful." Slowly my eyes peel open to be greeted by a dim room. Soft light gives me enough to see that I am in the pack hospital. The beeping machine continues to beep and I turn to face a heart monitor next to an I.V. with the cord attached to my right arm. Finally I look to my left to see a weary Albot staring at me, a relieved smile on his face.

[Water please.] I ask through our link, smiling when he brings a cup with a straw to my lips. I greedily suck in the cool liquid that quenches my dry throat, finishing two glasses and slowly sip on the third. Albot waits patiently beside me, a smile on his face while he replenishes the glass I constantly empty.

"Slow down on the water now Crysta. You haven't had anything in your stomach for a while and I don't want you to puke up water." The empty glass is taken away from my by Albot who places it on the table beside the bed before scooting closer to hold my hand. I smile and stare into the loving eyes of my mate, the dark room casting shadows on his exhausted face.

[Why haven't you slept?] I ask, doing my best to move to the side to make room on the bed only to wince from the pain. Apparently my body is still wounded from the war before hand.

"Because you have been in a coma for a week now. I've been so worried about you." His voice cracks as he answers me, small tears falling down his face as his head lowers to rest on my stomach. My heart aches at my mates pain, my hand running through his messy hair to comfort him.

[I'm safe baby so please come up and cuddle with me.] I reassure the wolf before me, smiling gently at Albot as he straightens to look at me, his tears still falling from his eyes. Albot stands, his arms carefully lifting my small frame up and moving me closer to the other side of the bed before climbing into the hospital bed and laying down. His arms wrap around me with his head resting onto of mine as he takes deep breaths, inhaling my scent.

"Promise me you won't leave me." He whispers, his fingers running gently through my hair, causing me to grow drowsy.

"I promise we won't leave you." I manage to whisper out, happy to be able to speak albeit a little creaky.

"We?" He pulls away, looking down at me with confusion swirling in his eyes.

"I'm pregnant." Surprise and then happiness displays on Albot's face as he lowers his lips, claiming mine in a heated kiss.

"We're having a pup!" He asks, his forehead pressed against mine.

"We're having twins." I confess, taking his hand and resting it on my stomach. We take the quiet time to talk ask Albot let's me in on what happened while I was in a coma and I describe meeting my family and the Goddess of Destiny. The doctor soon comes, surprised and happy to see me awake as she checks my body and vitals. When she gave the okay to let me go home, Albot wasted no time in discharging me from the pack hospital and whisking me away back home.

The war is over, my brother Lupus is dead, and I was soon expecting two little pups. Everything is perfect.

Rejection To The Alpha King's Daughter [Rejection Series]Where stories live. Discover now