Second Chance

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Calvin looked at me like I was crazy. Maybe I was. I'd left in such a hurry that Calvin barely got to say a goodbye to mom or Lexie. Maybe that was the way I wanted it to be.

"What?" I asked, pulling out of the driveway.

"Do you and your mom not get along?"

I sighed. I loved my mother but we didn't always see eye to eye. Her dreams and aspirations for me weren't always what I had in mind. "The first kid is always the parent's redemption. My mom uses me as a second chance to do great things. She wants me to be more than I am and do more than I'm capable of."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I'm a second child so I never had to worry about that."

Was that why he tried to kill himself?

I stopped at a stop sign and put my window down. The streets were quiet and there weren't many cars out.

"Thanks for dinner tonight. And helping me study."

"It's no big deal."

"No big deal? I probably would have failed bio if you hadn't helped me study."

I looked over at him as I pulled onto his street. "I don't think you would have. You're smarter than you let on, Cal."

Calvin shrugged and got quiet. Crap, did I say the wrong thing?

I ran a hand through my hair as I pulled up outside of his house. "Thanks for not letting my mom bug you tonight. She can be a bit much when it comes to new people."

"I like her."

I raised my eyebrows. "Really?"

He nodded. "She cares a lot about you and... I like that."

"You do?"

"I'm really glad I met you, Sophie."

I looked over at him and was caught off guard. He was watching me, seeing what my reaction would be. His hand was on the arm rest closest to me and it was all I could do not to slide my hand into it.

"I'm glad I met you too." I whispered, my hands starting to sweat. Why was I so nervous? Calvin and I were friends and I've never been nervous around him before.

Calvin leaned closer to me and pressed his lips to mine. I inhaled deeply through my nose in shock and my eyes widened. I felt him start to pull away and my hands frantically reached out for him. I grabbed his shirt in my fists and pulled him closer, deepening our kiss. I didn't want it to end.

When we moved, I didn't expect to make any friends or feel what I was feeling for Calvin. I didn't expect to meet someone like him. He was so caring and understanding yet he was fragile. Just as he had to be careful with me, I had to be with him. I was afraid of saying the wrong thing and upsetting him yet he was easygoing enough that I could joke about him and not be so serious. I felt free when I was with him.

Calvin pulled back, his breathing heavy. There was a smile on his face. "I've wanted to do that since the day I met you."

"Why didn't you?"

"It wouldn't have been very romantic to get punched in the face."

"And hurt your face? Never."

He laughed.

"Do you have to go?"

"Unfortunately. Do you want Ash and I to pick you up in the morning?"

"I've love that."

He kissed me once more before pulling back and lifting his backpack from the floor at his feet. "See you later, Sophie."

"Bye, Cal." I watched him walk inside and I couldn't help the smile the stayed plastered on my face the entire drive back home.

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