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We sat on the roof the others finished their introductions and the other three looked at me expectantly. I looked away not sure what to do. I felt someone touch my shoulder and I turned to see Naruto giving me a reassuring smile. I looked down. I doubt anyone but Naruto new sign language so how was I suppose to do this. 

"I'll translate for you." Naruto said happily. 

I nodded and began using sign language that Naruto translated for me. 

"My name is Shizuko Morino. I like rock candy and I hate spicy food. My hobbies are relaxing and looking at the sky. and my dreams for the future I- I haven't really thought about it." Naruto spoke for me. 

Sasuke and Sakura knew about me being Mute because they reminded me all the time. however, I'm not sure if Kakashi caught on. Kakashi told us about the test tomorrow before leaving. the other three left leaving me alone on the roof. I stood at the edge looking into the distance. I wonder if the happiness I've found in the leaf will last. every day I fear I'll wake up and all this was just a dream. I worry I'll wake up back there in that horrid place where they did those things to me. I fear the people that have affected my life in such a positive way are all just figments of my imagination. Images of people I made to escape that reality. each time I wake from sleep I fear I will be back there. 

as these thoughts ran through my head a gust of wind s blew past me ruffling my hair. I closed my eyes enjoying the breeze. when it slowed I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear before walking down the stairs that lead to the roof. I walked through the village trying to ignore the looks I got from people. 

As I walked two people ran out of an alleyway and I moved my feet narrowly dodging them. I looked at the two people to see Ino and Choji. I heard footsteps from behind me and I turned my head to see Shikamaru with his usual lazy expression. 

"what a drag I can't believe I'm stuck with those two. It's troublesome." He mumbled. 

I rolled my eyes at his attitude. he was always like that. but it also meant he was to lazy to bully me. but he still stood up for me at times even though it was a drag.

"but you've got it worse." He said looking at me. 

a small smile crept up on my face and I turned away from him so he wouldn't see it. I saw him look to the sky and I followed his gaze to see an interesting cloud. he seemed distracted by the clouds and I took this time to walk away without him noticing. I watched as he looked to where I was and he looked around confused. I tilted my head to the side and a small smile graced my face. silly Nara I could sneak away from nearly anyone if I put enough effort into it.

I walked away from them and made my way back home. I took my shoes off and walked in to see Ibiki wasn't home. He would probably be late home today. considering someone was being interrogated today and Ibiki needed to be there for it. he didn't give me any more information but it didn't bother me. 

I walked to the fridge and looked in it to see there was no food I could just eat meaning I had to make something. I went to make something but there was a knock on the door before I started so I walked and opened it t see Naruto holding two ramen bowls smiling. he walked in and we ate the ramen together. He talked to me about the test tomorrow and I listened to him. After he left I went to my room I laid down thinking about the test tomorrow. 

tomorrow was going to be difficult with my team. I can see it now. Naruto trying to do everything himself because he wants to prove himself. Sakura looking for Sasuke and trying to get his attention. Sasuke won't accept help because he thinks he above everyone else. And me who can't properly communicate with them. My dream for the future is to get my voice back but I know that will never happen. it's why I don't have to much hope left. 

might as well get sleep for tomorrow because it will be a long day. 

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