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I stood beside Ibiki as we attended the funeral for the Hokage and al the casualties of Orochimaru's attack. I looked down as I felt everyone's emotions. I absorbed it all. I always had an issue with feeling and absorbed others emotions. I've gotten better at it but in situations like this with strong emotions, I couldn't help it. plus I myself was having trouble dealing with my own sadness. 

I felt tears sitting my eyes and I gripped Ibiki's sleeve as I shut my eyes. the Hokage was a great man. 

I tried to calm down after having an episode. I gripped my head as tears spilled from my eyes as images continued to flash through my head. I began spiralling into darkness again. my whole body shook as the pain returned to me. the abuse. 

I was dragged out of the thoughts when I felt someone touch my shoulder. I looked p with tear filled eyes to see the Hokage. he gave me a smile as he held his hand out for me. I placed my shaking hand on his. he helped me up. I held onto his sleeve and looked down as I got weird looks. The Hokage kept leading me through the village.  

we came to a stop and I looked up and my eyes widened in shock. we were a little ways out from the village in the forest. and in front of us stood an old shrine. I gaze at it and unconsciously let go of the Hokage's sleeve and walked towards it. I ran my hand over the large wooden posts that stood tall. this place seemed so peaceful. 

"you're welcome to come here whenever needed. and remember you are now a member of the leaf's I consider you family. you are safe here. I'll make sure of that." He said kindly. 

I smiled remembering that place. soon the funeral ended and we dispersed. I looked at dad and he gave a small nod before leaving. I walked up to Naruto and I touched his shoulder as I peered at his face. he looked at me and I wiped away his tears giving a sad smile. 

"thank you for caring Shizuko. I just need a little space." Naruto said. 

I gave a small nod understanding. I walked away and the gloominess stuck. As I walked I came across Sasuke leaning against a tree. I looked down not sure what to do. he was so distant yet I couldn't help but worry about him. 

My fists clenched as determination filled me. I walked up to him and grabbed his hand pulling him up. He went to speak but he stayed quiet. I lead him through the village and a little ways from the village to the shrine the old man showed me. He looked around while I looked down. 

"the old man brought me here when I was feeling down. now that he's gone I thought I should share it with someone else. You can come here when you need to." I signed.

he didn't say anything. instead he lea me in and sat down on the porch of the shrine. I went to move but he made me stay as he leaned on my shoulder. I looked at him shocked who knew he would show his weakness. I guess he's going through a lot more than I thought. I could feel the pain and anger radiating from him. so I grabbed his hand and squeezed it and sat there with him. I decided to support him.  

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