A soft spot

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"I see your time in the leaf has caused you to become disobedient my puppet." He said with annoyance in his voice.

My eyes narrowed and I made my shaking body stand tall. I picked up the bloody kunai unfortunately he knew better than to take his eyes off me. Even more so in a situation like this.

In a second the man was in front of me with his fist to my gut. My eyes widened and I leaned over a hurled up the contents of my stomach. I brought my hands in front of my body blocking another punch and it caused me to skid back.

I narrowly dodged another attack but I ended up falling to the ground. I struggled to get back up but his foot came down on my back forcing me down earning me a face full of dirt.

I tried to pick myself up only for him to push down harder and I felt my ribs break. My eyes widened and I crumbled to the ground in pain. He just laughed and picked my up by the neck.

I met his gaze with my weak one. I still held the bloody kunai in my hand. I brought it up and cut his cheek. He threw me into a tree worsening my pain. He went to get closer but stopped looking towards the leaf.

"This isn't close to over. I will be back to get you." He said as he disappeared.

I heard people land by me and I looked up to see Anbu. Hisoka kneeled beside me and leaned my weak body against his. He looked over me and I heard him sigh. He wiped the blood off my face first with a gentle hand. He then moved on to bandaging my wounds. When he finished he picked me up and went towards the village with the other Anbu following.

"Honestly kid how reckless are you?" He asked with a sigh.

I looked up to him and gave a small smile well the best I could muster while I was in pain. He moved me to his back and I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I felt my vision blur and my will to stay conscious slowly slipped away.

"How you went about it was less then desirable but you handled the situation well kid. You'll make a fine shinobi one day." Hisoka said. 

My heart was warmed by that. He thought I did well. I finally began giving into my desire to pass out however right before sleep over took me Hisoka said something I found amusing.

"Ibiki is going to kill me." He mumbled.

Oh how the poor Anbu was right.

~~~~third person pov~~~~

The medical nin has enough trouble dealing with an anxious Ibiki who want to know of his daughters condition without the extra work of having to hold the pissed father back from the Anbu who was scared but hid it. But the medical nin knew he was scared. Who wouldn't be when facing a protective anxious and pissed Ibiki who was projecting all their anger on the one person.

"Please Ibiki calm down." A woman spoke.

He glared at her causing her to shirk away.

"Honestly the more hands it takes to deal with you takes away from the hands that could be tenting to Shizuko. And if you give us more work by hurting the Anbu we'll have less time to tend to Shizuko so calm down." One of the head doctors spoke coming out of Shizuko's room.

Ibiki stopped everything and looked at the woman.

"How is she?" Ibiki asked.

"She'll be fine. Just a few cuts and bruises. Our main concern is her one broken rib however we can heal to a certain extent. She won't have to be in hospital for long. But she will have to take it easy when she leaves." The woman spoke.

Ibiki was soon allowed to see his daughter and he sighed as he sat next to the sleeping girls bed. Who knew the head of TI would have a soft spoke for anything, let alone a child.

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