Chapter 7

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"Bella," Hunter groaned as he sat up better, "You came."

"Yeah Meadow told me if I didn't I would never get her famous brownies ever again." I said and laughed. I walked over to his bed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I could be better. But you here and Loren gone makes me feel better. "

"Yeah... so how long are you in here?" I asked looking around at the plain walls.

"Just a few days. The doctor said it wasn't too deep."

"Oh good. So why am i here?"

"Because i asked for you"

"alright i'm going home. i'm glad you're ok."

"Sit down." He pointed to a chair next to his bed. I sat down quickly and shut my mouth.

"How is work? Are you getting paid good?"

"Good. I'm getting paid fine. Enough to have dinner on the table and keep the roof over my head. I have to pay rent-"

"I'll pay." Hunter interrupted.

"No I don't want your money Hunter. Plus I think I can actually pay on time this month."

"You took it the other time."

"This is different. You left before I could give it back. This time you are stuck in this place and I can give it back. And last time you pretty much didn't give me a choice."

"Well then you have no choice now." He said and smiled like he had won something.

"I kinda do. Also you barely know me and it's weird to be accepting money from you and I-"

"Hunter Baby!" Loren shouted as she bust through the door. She looked right at me as soon as she came in. "eww what is the Café rat doing here?"

"Loren be nice."

"She like called me a spoiled brat so no Hunter I won't be nice. How do you even like know her? You aren't like supposed to talk to people of her class." Loren said with disgust clear in her voice.

"I can talk to whoever I want to."

"Not when you're like dating me," she pointed to herself. "I will not allow my boyfriend to talk to such a like lower classman." She crossed her arms and looked me up and down.

"she basically a peasant. I had daddy look into-"

"It's ok Hunter I'll go." I stood up and looked between the two.

"Bella stay."

"No Hunter." Loren glared at him. "like this is so stupid. We shouldn't even be fighting right now like-"

"We aren't even dating Loren. My dad and your dad just wanted this to happen for money. I am getting rid of you the first chance I get."

"Mr. King I'll see you some other time. It seems like you guys have some," I looked at Loren "things to discuss." I walked to the door.

"Amore don't go."

"Stop calling me by my last name Mr. King. Just call me by my first name. Bella. Just Bella." 

"I'm not calling you by your last name Bella. Well I am, but not really. I am calling you love. I told you your name in Italian means 'Beautiful Love.'" He explained. Loren clapped slowly.

"How romantic." She rolled her eyes. "Now like get out you poor stinky rat. Out before I like call security." She pushed me out of the room and slammed the door before I could say anything else to Hunter.


"And she pushed you out just like that?" Meadow asked.

"Yes I have said it three fucking times already."

"Ok no need to go all crazy on me. Now back to the important part. He is calling you love. That is so sweet. You need to snatch him up before he is forced to marry the spoiled brat." I rolled my eyes.

"I am not snatching up Hunter. Loren can have him. I really don't care."

"Loren wants him. He doesn't want her. He wants you, and you have no idea what you want. But Lenny and I know what you want. And then his father knows what he wants. Which is for Loren and Hunter to want each other because he wants money." Meadow explained.

"My head hurts I am hanging up bye."

Knock knock

I groaned as I got up. I walked over to the door and looked through the peep hole and saw no one. When I opened the door and looked down the hallway, there really was no one there.

I shut my door thinking about how it could be those teens down a few doors who do drugs. Wouldn't be surprised. I think I saw them trying to do a hot box in their car the other day.

"Bella." I jumped when I came face to face with my father.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"I can't come see my daughter." He asked and opened his arms for me to run into and hug. Well not happening.

"No you really can't when you don't support me at all."

"That boy gave you money so you aren't completely poor."

"Does a hundred dollars look like enough to live? No, now if you would please leave. I don't need another thing to stress about. "

"Well you won't be stressing any more. I told that boss of yours, Thea I think, that you quit. You will be working for me now." He said.

"What? Why would you fucking do that. I loved that job."

"It didn't pay shit. If you work for me, you'll get enough money to move out of here and into a better place." He offered.

"No I refuse to work for your book club." I crossed my arms.

"Then at least do one meet for me. I'll give you 10k." My mouth fell open when he offered it to me. 10,000 is a lot for one little thing.

"Why are you doing this? I know you aren't doing it for trying to help your daughter." I said realizing that he left me.

"All of my baiters are hurt and you've grown into a pretty young lady." He said. Gross.

"One thing then I get my money and you are out of my life." I said.

"Deal." We shook hands and as soon as he left I started thinking of all the consequences.


"Bella that is the stupidest decision you've ever made in your entire life. Getting yourself involved with a gang!" Meadow and Lenny were scolding me. Telling me how this is a bad idea and that I could die. But I already knew that. I need the money and I could finally leave and get a better home.  I lost my job, but I can look for another. Even though I will miss Thea and Carla, I can visit. Unless I can get my job back. But I have no idea what my dad said to Thea.

"I know already I know! But it is only one time." I tried to reason.

"If you die, my last words at your funeral will be 'I told you so." Meadow said and left. Well she was angry. I turned to Lenny.

"Sorry Bella Baby, but she is right. I don't think you should've made that deal, but I understand you need the money." He said before leaving. Leaving me here alone.


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