Chapter 72

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"Hi, Marie can I see Hunter please." Shocked, she nodded and did her usual routine. Once she gave me the ok to go up, that's exactly what I did.

I've never been more nervous ever. I never exactly told him I wasn't in that house when it blew up.

When I got to the top floor, I think I got more nervous. I knocked on his door once before turning the handle to go in.

As soon as I stepped into the door I heard him stand up in his chair.


"Hey Hunter," I gave him a small wave and awkward smile.

"I thought you were dead. None of your friends called so I guess I shouldn't have assumed that." He walked up to me and hugged me.

"It's alright. My fault for not letting you know months ago."

"I'm just happy you're alive. How are things?" We both walked over to his couches and sat down together.

"Well to be honest I've just been a bit stressed lately and I need a change."

"That's understandable."

"This is gonna sound crazy but-" Before I could get another word out he pulled me towards him and kissed me. Took me a second to process but I just kissed him back not even realizing what this could lead to.

One thing led to another and you get the idea.


"Bella. Come on the plane is boarding." I grabbed my backpack and stood up with him. Joe stood up to the line and we waited. We were waiting behind a young girl and a mother.

"Hi, I'm Isabella." The little girl said and but her hand out for me to shake. She is so cute. I knelt to her height.

"Hi," I smiled and shook her hand. "I'm Bella."

"You're pretty." She smiled showing her missing tooth.

"And you're cute." I poked her nose and she scrunched it up and giggled.

"Come on Isabella stop bothering the couple." The other girl said not looking up from her phone.

"She's not bothering anyone," I said and stood up. The teenager looked up from her phone and her eyes widened.

"Oh my gosh. You're the Bella Amore!" She exclaimed.

"Yup maybe a little more emphasis on the 'the' but yeah it's me." I smiled.

"Sorry. Can I get a picture?" She asked. I nodded. She stood by me and we took a few selfies. "Thank you so much. My friends are going to be so je-"

"Milli, can I get a picture with her?" Isabella asked.

"Isabella, Milli, stop bothering the couple. Let's go." The mother pulled her children along and towards the plane.

"Well, someone's popular aren't they?" Joe asked and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not famous Joe. Just known by a few people."

"Not very convincing. By the way, we have to get your looks sorted if you want to be a new person."

"Tickets and passports?" The woman asked. We handed them to her. She checked them and then handed them back. She let us go and now we had to find our seats. Lucky for Joe he was right next to me.


"We are finally here." I smiled as we stepped into the airport.

"Don't get too excited we still have a two-hour drive to my house." He stood next to me.

"Way to kill the mood. Are you driving?" I asked.

"No, I have a self-driving car. Of course, I am driving Bella." He started walking forward seeing as we were holding up the people trying to get off the plane. We got our luggage and then found his car somehow. He parked it in the middle of nowhere because he was scared someone would steal it so he had to hide it.

"So Joe tell me about yourself." I rested my head on my hand and my hand on the center console.


"Why not? We are going to be living together until I get a place for my own. "

"My favorite color is black."

"Ok... at least we are getting somewhere. I like the color blue. Ok, how about favorite animal then?"

"A mayflower because they die fast."

"Never heard of it. I'm sure they live a good life. My favorite animal is an otter. They are so cute and skinny it's not fair. How old are you?"

"25. you?"

"I am 22 almost 23. Favorite hobby?"

"Slowly dying on the inside."

"Joe! Come on be serious."

"I am serious."

"Joe come on there has to be something you like to do."

"I like to go to strip clubs."


"Stop saying my name so much my head hurts. Why am I letting you live with me again?"

"Because I am great at persuading people." He started banging his head on the steering wheel beeping a few times.

"Joe doesn't do that. You'll get a lump on your head."

"I'll be fine. I've done worse. I've gone into multiple gunfights, only got shot once, and the worst part of it was saving this girl."

"Ohh who was the girl." He just groaned and put his head on the steering wheel again. "Joe watch where you are going! You're going to crash." He lifted his head up.

"No, I'm not love. See clear roads today."

"Whatever just take me to London."


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