Chapter 40

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"Well, when I was 7 I stole a few goldfish from the boy sitting next to me. He never noticed."

"You know what I want Bella."

"Alright fine, to start my dad is in a gang, but I promise I am not involved with him anymore. I wasn't even involved with him in the first place. I just didn't think it was important. Is that what you wanted to hear?" I asked and looked at John he still had a stern look on his face so I kept talking.

"My mom is not in a hospital she is at home probably taking every drug known to man and drinking every type of alcohol. Is that it?" He still looked displeased. Maybe if he gets to sit in a throne and have someone fan him with a leaf fan while someone else feeds him purple grapes he will calm the fuck down.

"I kissed Hunter once when I was drunk. I didn't even know Tyler existed at the time though." I waited for him to say anything else. When he didn't I continued. "My best friend is gay."

"The truth Bella that's all I want to hear," John said.

"That is the truth." He shook his head.

"Bella you don't have to say just- come on let's go we can leave early," Tyler said in a sweet voice. I shook my head. This needed to come out. I closed my eyes and tear escaped.

"When I first met Tyler, Mr. King sent me on a mini 'mission'. He wanted me to take a bug and put it on Tyler's computer. I did it, I didn't know what it did. He just handed it to me and shoved me off to Tyler's office." I let out. I looked up at Tyler and he was confused. I knew he spent a whole five months looking for the reason why everything was happening, and it was all because of me.

"Bella, when you came to my office the first day. You didn't come because you wanted to? You came because it was business for Hunter?" Tyler asked and looked at me with sad eyes. I nodded.

"Tyler, I love you I really do. I had to do my job or I would get fired and I needed the money. I wouldn't have enough money for rent or food if I didn't do it." He looked away from me and nodded.

"I understand you did what you had to do. But why? Why didn't you tell me in the first place? You were there when I was stressed when you could've told me and I would've been fine."

"I couldn't. I just couldn't I tried to forget about it but I couldn't. I'm so sorry. I didn't even want to do it in the first place."

"What about the other times were they a lie too?"

"A few of them in the beginning, but when I started coming frequently it was real. I was there for myself and you. Not for a job." He stayed quiet for a second and when I tried to talk again he interrupted me.

"Really dad was this whole thing just to try and come between us?"

"Yea actually it was," John stepped forward, and Tyler did the same. Too much testosterone in here.

Tyler was breathing heavily so I stood up and grabbed his hand to try and get him to calm down. He wasn't having any of it though. He shook me off of him roughly and pushed me away. My head flew back in the cabinet. Glass shattered around me. Once I was on the ground I felt one more bump before everything started to get blurry.

"Shit, shit, shit. Fucking shit, mom call an ambulance or something." Was all I heard before everything went black.






"Bella, I'm so sorry I never meant for any of this to happen. I will never forgive myself for that day. It's been an entire year. Please just wake up. I miss hearing your voice. Seeing your smile. Hearing your laugh. How your eyes light up when I walk in the front door. How we cuddle late at night. I miss you please wake up."

(A/N I know what you're thinking. 6-month coma for hitting a cabinet. Well I was clearly not educated enough and well now I can't change it or timelines will be fucked lmao. I'm sorry guys)

1/2 a year later

"She is waking up!" Someone yelled. My eyes opened and then closed. Then they opened again and all I saw was white and some lines. Specifically ceiling lines. I tried to sit up but saw I had wires attached to me. I lifted my arm and saw I even had more wires attached to my arm.

"Miss I am going to have to ask you to stop moving." I stopped moving and put my arm down.

"Who are you? And why am I in this room?" I asked and looked around.

"My name is Lorelei. I'm a nurse and you are in hospital." I nodded and continued looking around.

"Why am I here?"

"Well, you hit your head very hard. At first, you were just sleeping a lot because of the brain injury. A piece of glass was in your head. We did surgery and then after that, you fell into a coma."

"Wow really?" She just nodded. Just then the door opened revealing a tall man. He was hot. He dropped his cup spilling everything that was inside.

"Bella! Oh my god. I can't believe you are awake." He ran over to me and hugged me. I laughed.

"My name Bella. How do you know my name?" I asked. He pulled away.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked. I looked at him and then at Lorelei.

"She might have some memory loss. She was out for a while but I knew she would wake up."

"How much will she remember?" He asked.

"Well have to bring in people she's known for the past five years. We'll be able to see then. We already called the people to come in. They should be here in an hour or so."

Not much long later the door opened again revealing tons of people. The man grabbed my hand and held it. I didn't pull away because it felt right, but I don't know.

"Bella over here," Lorelei said. I turned to look at her. "These people are here to help you." I nodded and then the people moved into a line. Lorelei walked over to the person in the front of the line.

"Bella over here now," I turned to look at her. "Who is this?"

"Um, I'm sorry I don't remember."

"It's ok how about him?"

"Oh, that is wait I don't know."

"It's fine Bella this is perfectly normal. How about her?"

"She looks familiar I have seen her in a dream."

"Good job Bella only a few more people." Lorelei moved to two other people. "Do you know who he is?"

"Ooh, he was in my dream also."

"one more."

"Um, I saw him before. I definitely know. Hector am I right?"

"Great job Bella. Now we have a few pictures if you could just tell us who they are." She held up a picture of my dad.

"That's my dad." She held up another picture which was my mom. "That's my mom. She isn't doing so well."

"Great Bella that was amazing. Here have a lollipop." She pulled out a lollipop and handed it to me. I took it and started licking it.

"Well just by all of that we can guess it was about a 6-8 year memory loss. She mainly forgets people. Her friends knew her longer so she had dreamt about them. I'm not so sure about Mr. King. She hadn't known him long from what I know. She might start to gain her memory back slowly though. It will take time."

"Thank you, nurse." The man beside me said. Lorelei nodded and grabbed a clipboard. She left leaving me and everyone else with me.

"So wonderful weather we are having."


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