Chapter 35

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"Ok enough stalling Bella. We have to get this over with right now if you want to get paid." Lenny said. I groaned and looked over at Hunter who was waiting patiently to just start touching all over me. It's gross.

I unwrapped my arms around my body and walked closer to Hunter, and by closer I mean a few shuffles over.

"Closer Bella," Lenny said in a warning tone. I shuffled over more. "More." I took a step this time. "More." I took another step. "Bella just turns your body and walk over to him you are on the other side of the room for god's sake!"

I walked over to where Hunter was a sat down next to him on some block.

"See that wasn't so bad was it?" Hunter whispered in my ear. I shivered when his breath hit my skin.

"Great now we are getting somewhere! Rob, you are in charge now. I am going to get some coffee. Make sure you have some pictures when I come back." Lenny said to the photographer, Rob apparently. He nodded and Lenny walked out of the room. It was just Hunter, Rob, the lighting guy, and me.

"Don't worry guys the easier you will cooperate the faster this will go." He said. He said it like he was talking to both of us, but I knew he was only talking to me. I was the only one not ready for this.

"Now this might get a little confusing. Hunter, could you please stand up. And Bella you just need to go right up next to him. Wrap your arm sort of around his neck and put your hand in his hair. You can put your other hand on his chest." I slowly and hesitantly followed his directions. "Hunter you are going to need put your arm around her and your hand should be on her butt." We followed his directions. Hunter carefully put his hand on my ass. I was not enjoying that part. I swear he was about to squeeze my ass, but maybe I was imagining things.

"Awesome just stay there for a bit." Snap Snap "Just a few more poses guys."


"Finally!" I screamed when we finished taking pictures. The most awkward thing I did in my entire life. I hope that is his first and last time modeling.

"Bella Baby! I have exciting news. The pictures of Hunter and you are going to be on the cover of this week's magazines." I shook my head frantically.

"No-no-no. You can't Lenny." I pleaded.

"Sorry, Bella everyone already voted on it. I can't change it now." He walked away after that because apparently there were kids outside messing around.

Just then my phone started ringing. I instantly answered it when I saw it was Tyler.

"Tyler," I said with a smile.

"Hey Baby. How was work?" He asked.

"Good. Um about work. So I had to model lingerie today with the guy."

"Well as long as he knew his boundaries outside of taking pictures he is fine. Everything will be fine. We have this conversation every time you model with Bikinis or something like that. "

"I know I just it wasn't just some other model guy. It was Hunter King."

"Hunter King Modeling? You are funny Bella. He has looked yes but-"

"Actually Tyler we had to model together and a picture we took is going to be on this week's cover." Tyler didn't respond immediately as he did so I started to get nervous.

"Um yeah, Bella. Congrats on being on the cover again but... Did you try to not get it on the cover?"

"I tried but they already voted on it is the cover. I know what picture they used and when you see it I don't know if you'll be too happy." I was beyond nervous now. I felt like how I did in high school when I had to present something to the class. I was going to start shaking if I didn't calm down. My breathing already started getting choppy.

"Ok Bella. Calm down, Baby. I can hear you breathing heavily. Just take a few deeps breaths in and out. Ok?"

"Ok," I responded and started doing what he said.

"Good job baby. You're doing good. Sit down if you need to or if you already are just stay there." I walked over to the block that was in the middle of the white backdrop. I set my bag down next to it. My breathing really started to calm down and I wasn't feeling nervous anymore. "Are you ok now Bella?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm fine thank you."

"Don't worry so much Bella. It isn't good for you. I'm not leaving you anytime soon. Who cares if a few million people see you with one of my rivals on the front of a magazine cover in nothing but lingerie?"

"Tyler," I whined.

"Sorry. It's fine Bella. As long as you and I know we are together it is ok. Everything is going to be ok. We are doing great and no magazine is going to break us apart ok?"

"You're amazing Tyler. I don't know what I would do without you."

"I could list tons of things that you would be doing right now if I wasn't part of your life. But I think we would somehow find each other." I smiled but it soon faded when I saw shoes right in front of me. I looked up to see who it was and it was Hunter.

"Bella you there?" Tyler asked. I snapped out of whatever gaze I was in.

"Yeah, I am here. Sorry, what were you saying?"

"I have to go to a meeting. I'll call you later if I get a chance."

"Ok bye Tyler."

"Bye Amore." We both hung up. I kept looking at my phone hoping that Hunter would just go away, but he didn't.

"Bella." He said. I slowly looked up to meet his face. He was wearing a suit now and looked ready to fire anyone he pleases.

"Yes, Mr. King?"

"Call me Hunter first of all and secondly. Come to lunch with me?" I shook my head.

"I don't think that is appropriate, and I have things to do. I have places to go, people to see."

"One lunch it won't take long. We can go as colleagues if you would like?"

"No Mr. King. I don't want to go anywhere with you. I am not risking my relationship just for some lunch. I could have a five-star lunch at my house and not risk any part of my relationship." I stood up and grabbed my bag. I put it over my shoulder.


"Miss Amore," I corrected. "Goodbye, Mr. King. Have a good rest of your day."


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