Back At The Academy

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The Jasper Winglet sat boredly in their history class, Webs's monotone voice falling on deaf ears. Ember's head slipped down onto the desk he was sitting at, only moments away from falling asleep. Orange and Shore slowly ripped their history reading to shreds; writing and passing notes they had written. Permafrost stared at Webs, looking attentive while mentally stabbing him with a scroll on the Scorching. Cypress and Anaconda stared at a wall as if it was a cloud filled sky, trying to spot features in the ridges.

"Oh come on, Connie," Cypress whispered, her voice staying under the noise level of Webs's droning. "You can't tell me that doesn't look exactly like Webs's annoyed face."

"Alright, I see it." He agreed. "I just want to set it on fire."

"I don't think rocks can burn..."

"Can they?" Cypress shrugged.

"Next time I see my Grandmother I'l have her set one on fire."

"Fair enough." Before another word could be said, the door to the cave was thrown open and Haze swaggered in, smirking at the frozen expressions of her classmates. 

"We're back bitches!" she called out as Dusk stepped in behind her.

"Haze!" Webs exclaimed. "That type of language is not permi-"

"HAZE!" The rest of the Winglet screeched. Boysen dove off his seat and tackled the Sandwing to the ground as the others bolted from their chairs.

"Thank the moons something interesting happened!" Permafrost shouted. "I was gonna kill Webs out of boredom in a minute!"

"Wait what?" Webs questioned.

"Aww," Ember complained. He nudged Dusk towards the door. "Come back in a few minutes when he's dead."

"Fine." Dusk deadpanned. "I only got stabbed in a gang's headquarters, nothing to talk about there." 

"You WHAT!" Cypress shouted. 

"Go on," Shore urged. Orange snorted.

"Of course you find that amusing." She declared.

"You've met my family." Shore countered. "The fact that I find injuries interesting shouldn't come as a surprise." 

"True." Haze and Dusk glanced at them.

"So, you two lovebirds are still hopeless." Dusk proclaimed.

"What!" Shore exploded. "We're not- that's- I-"

"Oh just SHAG ALREADY." Haze declared. "Save us all from suffocating under the tension!"

"Alright Haze, that's it." Webs announced, grabbing her by the arm. "You're going to have a nice visit with the Head of School."

"Hey, I just tell it like it is." She countered. "The Head of School. Hmmm. How is your daughter in law, anyway? Still itching to murder as usual? I'd be happy to punch her for you." Boysen shook his head, smiling as Haze was led out of the room. 

"Three moons," Boysen declared. "I missed her." Permafrost slowly raised her talons in the shape of a heart and started humming a love song. Boysen shoved her away and she stepped over to Cypress and Anaconda, repeating the motion.

"...What are you doing?" Cypress asked.

"Serious heart hands," Permafrost replied before resuming her humming.

"Try just friends." Anaconda insisted. 

"For now..." she sang, skipping over to Shore and Orange.

"Are you going to do this all day?" Orange questioned.

"Just til someone gives in." 

"Then I guess I'll save you the trouble." Shore offered before quickly kissing Orange on the cheek. Permafrost broke into a fit of squeals and giggling before running from the room.

".....So I missed nothing while I was gone." Dusk concluded.

"Just the same old stuff." Boysen insisted. "Now," he began, throwing an arm around Dusk's shoulders friendly. His eyes, however, glittered with a different emotion. "What exactly went down with you and Haze?" 

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