Ray's Family

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A few days later, Ander and Kelp headed for the Sea Kingdom. Shore and Rin had practically begged to come along, but the No they received was clearly not to be argued with. Joy also reluctantly stayed behind to keep track of the more rebellious dragonets, and to help Glory with more Queenly matters, which was something Glory desperately needed in order to deal with Sunny and her drama.

Because APPARENTLY, some Sandwing dragonet had killed a gang member and was now missing, and Sunny was very concerned for unknown reasons.

....And for some reason, out of all the Dragonets of Destiny, she thought that Glory would be the best dragon to go to.

Glory didn't give a shit about any of it.

But she put up with it, because, hey, it's Sunny, and Sunny was worried. And when Sunny's upset, all of them freak out. Needless to say, Joy's help was most welcome.

So, Kelp was on his own when it came to dealing with Ander's boyfriend and his family, who lived in the LAST place he should ever show his face.

"You're really gonna like them!" Ander declared. "At least, I hope so. Ray says his Mother is muy simpa-tica."

"And that means...?" Kelp offered.

"It's a fancy way of saying Simpatica."Ander explained. "Which means nice."

"Oh." Kelp had given up a long time ago in trying to understand Ander completely, so he just asked what she meant. Ander didn't seem to mind having to explain herself- it was a common occurrence.

A few hours later, the two of them landed on a small island in the Bay of a Thousand Scales, where a blue-eyed dragonet was waiting.

"mi beatitas!" Ander exclaimed, running over to hug the dragon.

"Mea!" The dragonet cried back, hugging her. He grinned at her. "Still as bonita as the first time I saw you." Ander blushed slightly before pulling him over to Kelp.

"Amore, my padre." she explained. "Dad, this is Ray."

"Nice to meet you," Kelp offered, sizing him up. Ray's smile widened. 

"You as well." he insisted. "I can see where Mea's eyes get their color." Kelp nodded, inspecting the dragonet, as if accessing his value. A minute passed before Ray turned to Ander. "I'll go get my mother." He announced, headed towards the water. As soon as he was gone, Kelp glanced down at his daughter, at the enormous smile on her face.

"You really like him, don't you?" he concluded. Ander nodded vigorously. 

"Oh yes." She began. "He's... ah, there is no word in the norm to describe it! He's mi amore- pero no amistad, sino amore....Es muy bonito, y perfectio." She sighed dreamily. "How the stars found such a perfect specimen, I shall never know." Kelp fought back a laugh.

"Well, as long as he makes you happy...." 

"Dad," Ander began, staring up at him. "He makes me feel the emotions that are pointless to everyone average. It's awe-inspiring."  Kelp smirked.

"You'd think he held the moons."

"Who says he doesn't?" Ander questioned, and Kelp paused in contemplation and Ray came running back up to them, a tall Seawing following behind him. Kelp frowned slightly at the sight of the woman. She looked annoyed, like she couldn't be bothered to meet someone who brought her son so much happiness.

"Mea, padre de mi amore, this is my Mother." Ray announced.

"Salutations!" Ander offered, trying to be friendly.

"Hello." Kelp nodded. The Seawing crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing at Ander in a way Kelp didn't particularly like.

"So." She began sharply. "You're the little weirdo that's convincing my boy that it's fine to be a freak?"

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