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A/N: I have no idea how medical stuff works, so sorry if anything is completely wrong.

"I got the supplies!" Boysen announced, tossing random medical stuff on to the ground. Haze immediately set to work, trying to help Orange as much as she could.

"Where's my dad?" Dusk questioned.

"Let's just say we had company." Boysen offered. "Coal's holding them back, trying to buy us more time."

"I'm not sure time is what we need," Haze insisted. "I can stabilize her for now, but Orange needs a real doctor. There could be some internal damage, and I can't treat that."

"Can you get her stable enough to be moved?" Anaconda questioned.

"What do you think I'm doing?!"

"Meerkat isn't too far from here," Dusk added. "We could take her there."

"NO." Haze declared. "The Sting has my dad on file. His office is the first place they'll go looking for us. We need someone else, and preferably someone closer."

The group wracked their brains, but no one was coming to mind.

"Maybe my dad knows someone?" Dusk guessed. "He's spent more time in the Scorpion Den then any of us."

"He's a bit preoccupied at the moment." Boysen reminded him.

"Well, we can hold off some Sandwings for a little while." Anaconda proclaimed. "Shore? You fully functional?"

"I think he's brain dead." Cypress offered.

"Brain dead enough that he doesn't want to beat the crap out of someone?" Shore shook himself.

"Let's go." He announced, trying to take his focus off of Orange. 

So Anaconda and Shore took off down the hall, Coal returning a few minutes later.

"Well?" Haze demanded, wrapping bandages around Orange. 

"There's a doctor not too far up the road, although no one knows she's there. She's an old Outclaw of Thorn's, one of the ones who stayed behind to report on the Den and make sure no bombs went off." Coal declared. "If we can get to her, we'll be in the clear, and off the Sting's radar."

"They'll go looking for us, won't they?" Dusk asked anxiously.

"If Drought finds out that we got out of here alive-" he paused. "That I go out of here alive, he'll search everywhere."

"Even JMA?" Cypress questioned, growing fearful. She might be safe if they get to this doctor, but her siblings were practically defenseless at the school. And then there was her parents and Egret, still at home...

"Yes." Coal confirmed. He froze in sudden horror. "They know where I live, too."

"And my house is right across the street." Cypress added.

"Which means Firefly and Squelch are in danger."

"They'd kidnap our loved ones to get to us, wouldn't they?" Boysen asked.

"Maybe," Coal offered. "That's what my father and Prickle did. But Drought.... He might just kill them all as a warning."

"Why did I agree to come on this mission?" Cypress proclaimed. 

"Because we needed to save Dawn," Coal replied. "Although I think she can take care of herself just fine."

A scream cut off any response as Anaconda ad Shore came running down the hall.

"We need to go!" Shore yelled. "Now!"

"Orange is stable," Haze declared. " I hope." She muttered under her breath. Coal picked up the unconscious Rainwing, and they all raced for the door, then down the street.

A couple blocks later, when they were sure the Sting wasn't following them, they stopped at a rundown hut. Dusk cautiously knocked on the door, and a Sandwing opened it, looking at them warily.

"Hello Kindle," Coal offered. "We need some help."

"Coal." The Sandwing replied, rolling her eyes. "Just when I think you'll stop bringing dying dragons to my door."

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