A Talk

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Kelp's wings flared slightly as rage shot through him. What had she just said?!

"Oh." Ander replied, looking at Ray. " I thought you said she was nice." Ray stared at the ground, tracing tiny patterns in the sand with his claws.

"She said she wouldn't do this." he whispered quietly. Ander frowned, before glancing over at Kelp. Her eyes widened.

"Padre, calm down." she urged.

"Oh, she speaks gibberish too. Wonderful." Ray's mother commented. Kelp felt his talon tighten into fists. 

"Dad," she insisted. "It's okay." 

"No, it's not." Kelp snapped. He glared at the Seawing before him. "I don't appreciate other dragons insulting my daughter."

"And I don't appreciate having a son who thinks it's normal to hear voices in his head." she shot back. "Or him having a friend who encourages the weirdness."

"It's not normal." Ander agreed. "It's unique, and AN HONOR." She glowered at Ray's mother. "He isn't a freak; he is GIFTED. And I'm not a friend who encourages it- I'm his SOULMATE who HELPS him understand his POWER."

Ray's mother rolled her eyes. 

"Does she always act this crazy?" 

"YOU PROBOSUS MALUM EEL!" Ander yelled. Ray grabbed Ander's arm before she could act further.

"Mea, let it go." He pleaded. Kelp had snapped at the word crazy. He could handle her being called a freak, but crazy was too far.

He stepped dangerously toward Ray's mother, his eyes glowering. He voice was thick with rage as he calmly spoke.

"You," he began, his tone like steel. "Are extremely lucky that my wife isn't here."

"Oh my, I'm sooo scared." She said sarcastically. Kelp grabbed her by the neck and Ray let out a small cry of protest.

"You should be." He warned. The Seawing's eyes widened, and Kelp released her.

"You threatened me." She echoed. "You'll regret that."

"I've dealt with worse." he declared.

"Oh really?" she scoffed. "I know EXACTLY who you are, Kelp." she announced. Kelp paused. She had no leverage over him, he reminded himself. So she knew his name- that didn't mean she could go to Coral about anything.

"So?" he questioned.

"Keep your freaky daughter away from my son." She warned. "Or there will be consequences." Kelp glanced over at the horrified look on Ander's face. The hybrid was clinging to Ray's arm, the dragonet looking equally afraid. 

Being separated, Kelp knew, was the worst fate they could have. 

And Ander had dealt with enough problems in her life, Kelp thought. She had done nothing wrong. She didn't deserve this.

And neither did Ray, if he was being honest. The Seawing just wanted to be accepted, to be understood. Ander was the only dragon he had that made him feel normal.

He couldn't let them be forced apart, to have to carry on their relationship in secret. 

"No." Kelp said suddenly.

"What?" Ray's mother questioned.

"Ander and Ray have every right to be together." He declared. "I may not be their biggest fan, but I'm not going to keep them apart." His steely glare settled on the Seawing. "And furthermore, Ray deserves a lot better than you. He deserves a mother who tries to understand him, rather then enforcing what you think is normal." He paused, sizing her up. "I don't think I'm comfortable leaving him with you."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" She demanded. "It's not like you can just take him." Kelp shrugged.

"I can if he wants to leave." That stopped her. Everyone's gaze shifted to Ray, who stood there, shocked. Ander gasped, realization hitting her.

"Ray, you could come with me to the rainforest!" she explained. "We could dance in the trees and you could see the sunsets and the plants and-and- Dios Mios- It'd be perfect! You'd love it there!" She smiled hopefully, and Ray stared at her blankly, before glancing back at his mother.

"It's up to you." Kelp offered. Ray thought for a moment, then took a deep breath.

"Okay." he declared. "Take me to the rainforest." 

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