Joy's In The House

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A/N: What is this title? And NOOOOO I HAVE TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL :(

The Dragonets of Destiny decided that an official meeting needed to be called to discuss what was going on. They contacted Glory, who was unfortunately unable to attend, but she promised she would send the next best dragon she could.

Needless to say, the other members of the famous DOD were quite surprised when Joy entered the room. 

"Really?" Tsunami said in surprise. "You're the next best dragon Glory could send?" Joy rolled her eyes.

"Shocking, I know." She declared sarcastically. "But I was told this was an official meeting, and I assure you I can be official when needed."

"Really?" Starflight asked skeptically.

"Are you sure we're talking about the same dragon?" Sunny questioned. "Joy. The sarcastic, murderous dragonet that made our lives a living hell during the entire time she was in our school?"

"The reason why we had a murderous Rainwing on the loose attacking students?" Starflight added.

"The reason why my son got put in a coma and had his throat slit?" Tsunami continued.

"The reason my daughter was once kidnapped?"  Clay went on.

"The dragonet that took my innocent son and completely corrupted his mind?" Starflight jumped in.

"The dragon that-"

"Okay!" Joy interrupted. "Point taken. Yes, I am all of those things, but I am also a princess and the lone heir to a throne. Therefore, I can be surprisingly diplomatic and regal when I need to be." Tsunami snorted.

"You? Diplomatic? Now that I'd like to see." she laughed. Joy eyed the Seawing carefully.

"Every Queen has two sides, Tsunami. It is obvious, however, that you only have one. No wonder you'll never be a Queen." The others eyes widened as Tsunami glared at Joy. "Now, I believe we have important matters to discuss?" Joy added. 

"Er, Yes." Sunny agreed, staring at Joy in shock.


"This is it?" Rin's disappointed voice questioned. She and a few other dragonets had bee in charge of gathering all the weapons they could find in the entire Academy. Crimson had said it was good to keep weapons even when you didn't need them, and Rin had agreed, thinking they would be useful when Juniper and her cronies arrived back at the school. 

But now, after the entire school had been searched, Rin was staring at a pretty pathetic pile. 

They had two spears, five swords, a couple of daggers, a giant stick, a couple of sharp bones fro the Prey Center, and an enraged looking Haze sitting on the floor. 

"Half of these are just from me." Haze offered. "And last time I checked, I was a DRAGON, not a WEAPON."

"Haze, you're like our vicious attack dog." Ember offered. 

"But you're a cute little puppy when you're not angry." Boysen added. Haze scowled.

"Haze as a puppy? That's priceless!" Shore laughed. A moment later, a dagger was flung at his head, just barely grazing the scales at the top of his head. Shore's eyes widened.

"Don't. Call me. A puppy." Haze growled dangerously. Shore nodded.

"Okay puppy." Boysen sang. Haze's scowl deepened.

"Maybe I should ask Feather if she can lend us some weapons." Crimson wondered out loud. "Who knows, maybe she'll send reinforcements for us."

"Wait what?" Permafrost asked.

"An army? Now we're talking." Haze announced.


"Alright, listen up!" Juniper shouted. Wade, Walrus, Darkheart, and Fog listened intently, as Fierceteeth, StrongWings, Pineapple, and Prickle glanced up with bored expressions. "My name is Juniper, and I am the leader- so you all have to do what I say!" Pineapple laughed. 

"My kind of girl." she mused. Prickle snorted.

"That's how you think this works?" He questioned, tsking at the dragonet. "Oh, you have so much to learn."

"What do you mean?" Juniper frowned.

"Little Rainwing," Fierceteeth began as Prickle grabbed Juniper by the throat and finished the sentence.

"We don't take orders from anyone." 

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