Chapter 6

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I decided one thing for sure. I am not going to cry anymore for Luiz as he was not worth my tears. He was so rude, arrogant, careless and what not.

I was having corn sandwich with omelet. Jane made them so delicious. The omelet had spinach and mushrooms and tasted amazing.

Just then the doorbell rang.

Who can it be?

Jane went and opened the door. I saw a woman with bob cut walk inside the house. She was oozing with confidence. Then she greeted Jane and hugged her.

"Where is the newly wedded bride?", she asked in a very excited tone.

"Hello! I am here.", I replied.

She walked towards the dining table. I just stood up as a sign of gratitude.

"Hey! Just relax! You need not get up. Have your breakfast.", she said smiling.

"You must be Portia."

"Obvio, like one and only."

I couldn't help it, I giggled. She was so joyful and full of herself. Wish I was like her.

"Would you like to have something?", I asked.

"Jane knows what I want.", she said.

Just then I realized that Jane was already in kitchen making something.

"Well, Caroline sent me to accompany you for shopping."

I didn't want to go for shopping. I had to make an excuse.

"Umm, I don't have enough cash to buy clothes.", I just told her.

Hearing that, she started laughing like hell.

What is wrong with her?

"You are Luiz Cardoso's wife and you are having a shortage of money?"

"Well it's not my money."

"Oh yeah it is my money because Caroline being a smart woman she is, gave me her card so that I can purchase for you."

I just saw that my plan failed so I had to go with her now.

In the meantime Jane bought Banana Pancakes for Portia.

"Thank you Jane!", she said.

How many times did she come here? How can Caroline just give her card to Portia when it is such a confidential thing. Looks like Portia is really close to Cardosos'. Even Jane knew what she wanted.

After Portia was done with eating pancakes she said we shall visit different fashion designer's boutiques. Then I just remembered that even Sarah has one.

"I know a friend of mine whose husband owns a boutique.", I said.

Portia's mouth twisted. She kind of didn't like my suggestion I guess.

'I will take you to the best of the stores.", she said.

"Well we can try there once. If we don't get anything over there, we shall go somewhere else."

"Okay what is the name of the designer?", she asked.

Oh no! I didn't know the name of Sarah's husband.

"Umm I don't know. But I know his wife's name.", I replied.

"How can we go by a wife's name?", she asked.

Truly irritated by now, I said, "Okay fine let's go wherever you want."

She took me to a store which looked very posh.

I knew she would take me to stores like this.

We entered the store. Everything about the store screamed expensive. To my surprise I saw a man standing there well engrossed in his work.

Sarah's husband! Then Sarah must be here.

"Hey Jake! Busy?", Portia asked.

So his name is Jake.

He got up immediately from his place and gave her a friendly hug, Then, he saw me.

"You are Sarah's friend, right?", he asked.

"Hello! Yeah, I am. Where is she?"

"We have our house a mile away. If you walk straight this way. Anyways I will just call her she will be glad to meet you."

"Is this the boutique you were referring to?", Portia asked.

"Yeah", I replied.

We were looking for various dresses. I thought that Portia will buy two to three dresses and a gown for the party. My god! She was ready to buy almost everything in the shop. Just then Sarah entered the store. I couldn't contain my excitement when I saw her. I ran to her and hugged her.

"So how is life with Cardoso? Already here to doll up?", she asked all excited.

The thought depressed me. But I just brushed my thoughts away. I just gave her a warm smile. Then she went and hugged Portia.

How come they all are connected?

"How do you all know each other?", I asked.

"Well! Jake is a head designer of Cardoso Textiles, so we all know each other."

Ohhh this is news to me. First, Luiz has a textiles business and second, Jake works for Luiz.

Portia and Sarah chose tops, dresses, shirts, jeans, jumpsuits, jeggings, skirts, shrugs , jackets and even lingerie for me. 

I was pissed off from doing this much of shopping and tired of trying all of those clothes.

They both helped me to get a beautiful pink two-piece evening gown. It was looking very beautiful. They even chose a pair of five inch silver stilettos even though I said I can't walk on them. Portia said that she will help me with that later.

"You have got a figure of a model Lara! You are tall but yeah, you are thin for your height.", Portia said.

"Anything else?", Sarah asked.

"How about three cupboards for all this?", I asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Ahh! I am sure Luiz has huge wardrobes in his room so you won't need one.", she replied.

I saw the wall clock. We spent almost four hours here. My god!

Portia is a very stubborn woman. No one can say a "No" to her for anything and if one does, she will convince them somehow. She did not even let me have a look at the bill.

After that we went to have lunch in her favorite restaurant.

The more I spoke to her, the more I liked her. 

Women who are full of themselves have such a charming personality.

"From how long you know Luiz?", I asked.

"We are childhood friends and guess what, we argue all the time and it's me who always wins.", she said that and started laughing.

I couldn't help but laugh too.

Dear High Fliers!!

Please make me feel happy by clicking the star at the end of this chapter.


Love you all <3 XOXO

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