Chapter 69

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"You know right, I love it when you blush.", he said with a naughty smile.

"Uff! Stop it Luiz.", I said and got up as we finished our dinner.

Unexpectedly, Luiz scooped me in his arms in a bridal style.

"Luiz! Put me down!", I screamed.

"You know what? You have actually gained some weight. You don't look skinny like before.", Luiz said with a victorious smile.

"I am healthier now because I am happier now.", I said which made him smile.

He called one of the servants to clear the dishes.

It is so embarrassing!

The servant smiled and started doing her work.

Luiz carried me all the way to our room and laid me on the bed.

"No Luiz, I have to prepare for my tests.", I said struggling.

"Just once.", he said with pleading eyes.

"No you wont stop with that and your stamina scares me so much!", I said.

He laughed richly.

"Don't blame me. You have a low stamina. You should play sports like me.", he said.

"I don't have time for all that.", I said with a smirk on my face.

He nuzzled my nose.

"I like it when you behave like this. I find it really hard to resist you. You are so attractive!", he said.

"Luiz when did you find me attractive for the first time?", I asked.

"I found your face attractive for the first time I saw you. But I was enthralled by your beauty when I saw you for the first time in that pink gown. You were looking like a goddess! And how can I forget the evening of my birthday? You looked so sexy that my mind started having wild thoughts about you.", he said winking at me.

"Oh my God! That night when I saw you taking off your tie and blazer I thought that you made me yours that night itself.", I said.

"Oh no! I wanted our first time to be the best!", he said smiling sheepishly.

"Thank you for making my life perfect Luiz.", I said.

"It's nothing. You deserve it!", he said.

"I felt so lonely before. I had no one to share my emotions with except Sarah.", I said.

"Ohh no!", I said as the thought of Sarah crossed my mind.

"What happened?", he asked.

"I have to meet Sarah. She was pregnant last time I met her. She must have given birth to a child by now.", I said.

I am such a bad friend!

"She gave birth to a baby girl.', he said.

"How do you know?", I asked him.

"You forgot? Her husband works for me.", he said.

"Oh yeah. We shall visit her tomorrow.", I said.

"Sure.", he said.

"And we need to change the lighting of our room it is dim. I don't like it.", I said

"As you say madam.", he said.

That night Luiz helped me prepare for my tests.

The next morning, I went to the library room in search of Luiz.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw something burning.

"My god Luiz! What are you doing?", I asked rushing towards him.

"I am burning my past diaries.", he said.

"Why?", I asked him.

"They mean nothing to me now. I have started everything afresh.", he said point towards a diary of 2018.

"You started writing a diary again?", I asked him.

"Yeah, after I started loving you.", he said.

"And when did that happen?", I asked him.

"I fell in love with you when you saved my life. But I kept denying my feelings towards you and thought that it was just attraction. But as time passed by, I realized that I loved you so much.", he replied.

I smiled gleefully.

"Now let's go and visit your friend.", he said.

I was so happy!

We went to Sarah's place.

She opened the door and immediately turned her face away.

It was obvious that she was angry.

"I am sorry Sarah!", I said holding her hand.

"May I know how you remembered me suddenly?", she asked sarcastically.

"Stop being sarcastic.", I said.

"What do you expect?", she asked irritatingly.

Suddenly, I heard a cry of the baby from inside the room.

"Congratulations!", I said.

"Thank you!", she said with a wide smile and hugged me.

"I want to see the baby.", I said.

"Come in.", she said and started dragging me inside in excitement.

Luiz followed us in.

I was shocked to see Alex inside and so was Luiz.

He was playing with the baby.

"Alex enough of playing with Nor. Now let Lara play with her.", she said teasing him.

This was the first time I was seeing him after that night.

I saw Luiz's face which was red due to anger.

I held his palm to calm him down.

Meanwhile, Sarah gave her baby to me.

"Hello Nor!", I said.

She was so small.

"Hey little girl!", Luiz said holding one of her fingers.

"She is so cute.", I said to Sarah.

"Of course all the babies are cute. You should also have one soon.", she said winking at me.

"No! I have so many responsibilities right now. I can't even think about it.", I said.

"Come on Lara, just imagine how fun it will be to see kids run around our home.", Luiz said.

"I just need some time.", I said to him.

Unexpectedly Luiz kissed me with full passion at that point of time.

He kissed me for a while longer and then let me go.

I know why you did it! Because of Alex!

He gave a wide victorious smile to me.

"Anyways, there is a success party at our mansion tomorrow. Both of your families are invited.", Luiz said to Sarah.

"Party? How come I didn't know about it?", I asked him.

"Well, you know now.", he said.

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